Digital Messages on Christian Living

49-64 of 289 results in Digital Messages on Christian Living

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Libraries are loaded with books promising to help you find your purpose in life....
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Libraries are loaded with books promising to help you find your purpose in life....
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God wants you to see the dream He has for your life and then live out that dream every single day....
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God wants you to see the dream He has for your life and then live out that dream every single day....
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Marital love has been a timeless topic in the world's literature, but no tribute to love has received merited equal standing with Solomon's Song of So...
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Many people feel that an emotional and physical connection with another person (marriage) will provide security....
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In this closing message from the series on spiritual growth, we learn that it’s good to focus on what fuels that growth: the blessings God gives to ...
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As we celebrate Easter each year, it is a reminder once again that as He came once, Christ will return for His Church....
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From unstable employment to unsafe neighborhoods, it's no wonder so many people live in the grip of fear. If you’re one of them, take heart....
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Are you ready for the kind of love that Dr. Jeremiah has been teaching about throughout this series? Do you want to experience it in your own life ...
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While you may look forward to retirement from your 9 to 5 job (or perhaps you’re already enjoying it!) there’s no retirement plan for Christians....
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While you may look forward to retirement from your 9 to 5 job (or perhaps you’re already enjoying it!) there’s no retirement plan for Christians....
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Your future is out there waiting for you!

God created us with eyes in the front of our heads, not the back....
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Your future is out there waiting for you!

God created us with eyes in the front of our heads, not the back....
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Few of us get through life without damaged friendships or family misunderstanding....
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49-64 of 289 results in Digital Messages on Christian Living

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