Dr. David Jeremiah Presents
Living inthe Ageof Signs
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Living in the Age of Signs
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5 Benefits of Biblical Prophecy
Doom and gloom. That's how many people regard the book of Revelation. Oftentimes, Christians shy away from it because they believe prophecy is irrelevant or too complex to spend time examining. They are mistaken. The book of Revelation provides insight into events that will come to pass and helps us make sense of the events that are happening already in our world. It elevates our perspective. Deciphering prophecy offers us hope despite the chaos surrounding us in our culture today.
Most people have questions about the Bible's prophecies. While it can be perplexing, prophecy is the key to understanding the days ahead. Here are just a few benefits of delving into the study of Revelation:
#1: The Study of Prophecy Activates God's Blessing

"The book of Revelation is the only book in the Bible where we are told twice: 'Blessed are those who read this book.' "
Twice, the book of Revelation tells us, "Blessed are those who read this book." If you want to be blessed, you should read and study the book of Revelation. The Bible promises that if you do, you will experience God's blessing. Revelation is the only book to offer such a reward. Learning about God's sovereignty and His wonderful promises through the study of His Word have blessed me beyond measure. I know He's in control even though it looks like everything around me is spinning out of control.
#2: Prophecy Affirms the Accuracy of the Bible
A wonderful truth about prophecy is that it demonstrates the integrity of the rest of the Bible. In the Old Testament, there are over three hundred prophecies regarding the first coming of Christ. These passages predicted His birthplace and what would happen to Him as a child. Now we have the perspective of history to go back and to see how prophecies were fulfilled just as they were promised hundreds of years before.
Did you realize there are twice as many prophecies about the Second Coming of Christ as there are about the first? If the Bible accurately predicted His first coming, will it not be as accurate about the Second Coming? When we study prophecy, we discover God's blueprint for the future—and we observe the significance of events like the reemergence of Israel as a nation and the coalescence of nations in Europe. We have a preview of what is coming next, and current events continually confirm the Bible's prophetic accuracy.
#3: Prophecy Assures Us Jesus Will Return

"As John views the great white throne, he sees the dead. All who died without a relationship with Jesus Christ."
If you want to be discouraged, there are plenty of reasons to be. But anyone who really understands prophecy can't be discouraged. Because when you understand prophecy, you realize that whatever you are experiencing right now will last only for a short time compared to the better days that are coming. In the words of Jesus, "Look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near" (Luke 21:28).
Jesus doesn't tell you to look down, bend your shoulders, walk stooped over, and act discouraged. No, He tells you to hold your head high because your redemption is drawing near. After teaching us about the Second Coming of Christ, Paul says, "Comfort one another with these words" (1 Thessalonians 4:18). With what words? With words of assurance that Jesus Christ will return.
#4: Prophecy Anticipates a Hopeful Future

"As John views the great white throne, he sees the dead. All who died without a relationship with Jesus Christ."
When people wonder about the events that are happening in our world today, they ask, Where is this all going? That's a valid question. But those who know the Bible know where it's going. Everything is leading to a better place. History ends with our hands raised in victory. We don't have to be afraid of the future if we know the future God has planned for us.
And God has given us this book so that we can be confident about what is going to happen. The book of Revelation is filled with the mercy of God along with the judgment of God. Almost every time God metes out judgment upon this earth, which is deserved, there is a parenthesis nearby that shows His mercy and His grace.
Did you realize that God never leaves Himself without a witness, no matter how dark things might be? With everything that's happening in our world today, we must guard our hearts and our minds. If we don't, we will focus on all the gloom. Did you know that in the darkness of this world there are many places where the light of the Gospel is shining very brightly? And the darker the night, the brighter the light, amen?
#5: Prophecy Accentuates Our Need for a Savior

"Only one Truth saves. Only one Gospel brings eternal life. There is only one escape from hell."
Only one Truth saves. Only one Gospel brings eternal life. There is only one escape from hell. We need to take the precious Gospel of Jesus Christ to men, women, and children and declare His love for them. The same Gospel that worked in your grandparents' generation, that worked in your parents' generation, is the Gospel that is working today. It is the power of God unto salvation. It is relevant forever. It still changes lives, and that's a message every one of us needs to share.
There isn't any way for people to enter heaven except through Jesus Christ. That is an absolute fact. Jesus said it this way, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." He didn't give us any options. He didn't say, "I am one of the ways." We are hearing that message often today—there are many ways to God. But no, there are not many ways to God. There is one way, and Jesus is the way. We need to declare that unashamedly.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He has the power to save us from our sins, and He has power over our future. He has revealed His plans through the Bible. Knowing He will return, we can look forward to a brighter future while shining the light of His Truth in our darkened world.