Dr. David Jeremiah Presents
Living inthe Ageof Signs
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Living in the Age of Signs
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5 Critical Issues Facing Our World
There are at least five critical issues facing our world today. What does the modern nation of Israel have to do with the End Times? How should Christians respond to a world overrun by rampant violence and militant Islam? Does the Bible give us insight into Russia's resurgence on the world stage? What can be known about how the Rapture and End Times will occur? Could divine judgment be meted out during our lifetime?
Issue 1: Russia
After decades of seeming slumber, Russia is flexing its muscles, annexing territory, and making alliances with dictatorial countries that daily call out for Israel's destruction. The threat of radical Islamic factions like ISIS seems to grow like an unstoppable cancer, devouring all people and nations in its path. Our own nation seems incapable of stemming the tide and has even entered into agreements with hostile nations like Iran with blatant disregard to its traditional allies.
With upheaval as the new normal and no end in sight, dare we conclude that God has abandoned His people to an ignominious fate? Or could it be that what we humans see as chaos is really something God has been orchestrating all along? And if that is the case . . . why?
The third chapter of The Book of Signs points us to the mysterious prophecies of Ezekiel 38–39 and how they reveal both the key to understanding our troubling times and the all-powerful hand of our mighty God.
Issue 2: Radical Islam
Not only are they expanding their reach and spreading violence throughout the Middle East, Africa, and Europe but we have also seen their incursion on American soil. What is the Christian's proper response to militant islamic extremists, both at home and abroad? Do we despair and give up? Do we meet violence for violence? Do we let fear and anger color our interactions with Muslims and taint our witness? Or is there a better way?
The eighth chapter of The Book of Signs explores the history and habits of Islam. We'll learn about the ultimate goal of radical Islam, its methods for reaching that goal, and what role Christians can play in combating its influence.
Issue 3: Israel
Long ago, God set aside a people for Himself, starting with one man whom He called out of a pagan nation and to whom He promised great renown, innumerable descendants, and a good land. That man was Abraham. Four thousand years later, his name is still held in the highest esteem by Jews, Christians, and Muslims; his descendants have survived the harshest persecutions imaginable in ancient, medieval, and modern times; and the land into which God brought him is once again in the possession of the Jews.
Clearly Abraham's God is a God who keeps His covenants.
Since 1948, many have looked on the establishment of the modern state of Israel as the modern fulfillment of God's promises to His chosen people. Despite being hemmed in on all sides by hostile nations, and against all odds or human logic, Israel has survived all-out war and constant domestic terrorism. Yet increasingly the international press portrays Israel as an aggressor nation, an occupying force, a brutal regime afflicting poor and disenfranchised Palestinians who have had their land stolen out from under them.
The first chapter of The Book of Signs delves deep into the covenant God entered into with Abraham as recorded in Genesis and reiterated throughout the prophetic books of the Old Testament, unveiling which prophecies concerning the nation of Israel have been fulfilled… and what is yet to come.
How should Christians view the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians? And what does the reestablishment of the nation of Israel in the Holy Land mean for us? Is it merely an accident of international politics? Or could it be a sign that the end is near?
Issue 4: The Rapture
Due in large part to the phenomenal success of books such as the Left Behind series, the Rapture has been solidly on people's minds for the past twenty years. Some look for this event as a release from a world that seems increasingly broken beyond repair. Others find the concept terrifying as they consider whether they may, in fact, be left behind. And because the Rapture is an event without precedent, it's understandable if we approach it with a bit of trepidation. After all, can we really know what will happen?
The twelfth chapter of The Book of Signs sifts through dozens of prophetic writings that speak of a time when Christ will remove His Church from this world, answering tough questions such as . . .
When will the Rapture occur?
Will there be any warning beforehand?
What will the actual event be like?
Is there hope for believers who are already dead when the Rapture occurs?
Will those taken up keep their bodies or will they undergo some kind of transformation?
What will raptured Christians do after the event itself?
Will Christians have to endure the Tribulation?
When will Christ return?
How can we prepare for the Rapture?
Issue 5: The Tribulation
Over the centuries, many people have made predictions about coming catastrophes. Sometimes the prognosticators are correct. More often than not, they are wildly off base. One source of prophetic declarations that has never been proven false is the Bible. God has warned human beings of judgment, famine, defeats and victories in battle, periods of bondage, and the manner of His coming into His creation, both as a helpless baby and as a conquering king. We can be sure that whichever prophecies we read in the Bible that have not yet come to pass will be fulfilled in God's perfect timing.
So what does the Bible have to say about the times yet to come?
It is clear from the Old Testament that one of the most frequent types of prophecies God's messengers declare to His people are those concerning judgment. Whether in the form of a flood or raining sulfur or conquering armies, the judgment of God is preceded by a warning and a call to repentance. Did such punishments cease when Jesus came? Or does the Bible warn us of a future judgment—one that may happen within our own lifetimes?
In the fourth part of The Book of Signs, we will walk together to gain a deeper understanding of nine important Tribulation signs described in God's Word. These are:
Four Riders
False Prophet
Two Witnesses
Mark of the Beast
Our merciful God is long suffering, slow to anger, and does not want any to perish. Yet, He is holy and will mete out perfect justice on the unrepentant. The question you must ask yourself is, "Is this the end?"