Dr. David Jeremiah Presents
Living inthe Ageof Signs
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Living in the Age of Signs
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America the Changed
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord . . . .
Psalm 33:12
In an 1892 U.S. Supreme Court decision, the majority opinion cited numerous examples and proofs of America's Christian heritage. In 1954, California Governor Earl Warren, who went on to become the chief justice of the Supreme Court, said that America is "a Christian land governed by Christian perspectives." But in 1992, when Mississippi Governor Kirk Fordice referred to America as a Christian nation in a speech at a governors' conference, the media outrage was so strong he was forced to retract his statement and apologize a few days later.
Somewhere between 1892 and 1992, it stopped being acceptable to refer to America as a Christian nation. Yes, constitutionally America has no established religion. Nor is America a theocracy. Yet the Judeo–Christian principles of the Bible have characterized this nation since its founding—though it is considered politically incorrect to say so today. Jesus called the Church to be salt in the world to preserve goodness and create a thirst for God (Matthew 5:13).
If you are a Christian, do not be afraid. Let your voice be heard in the public square lest it become illegal for it to be heard at all.
May God pity a nation whose factory chimneys rise higher than her church steeples.
John Kelman