Dr. David Jeremiah Presents
Living inthe Ageof Signs
Online Destination

Living in the Age of Signs
Online Destination
Extraordinary Generosity
"Joses, who was also named Barnabas…having land, sold it, and brought the money and laid it at the apostles' feet." Acts 4:36–37
His name was Joses, but the apostles gave him a nickname—Barnabas, "Son of Encouragement." He became a powerful leader in the Early Church. The first time we see him in Scripture, he is providing for the needs and ministry of others.
Bob Shank wrote, "Barnabas' role in the early church made him aware of the unusual financial challenges in supporting the Pentecost pilgrims who had come to the city for their festival and had found faith in the Messiah. They stayed with their travel possessions that were exhausted and then became dependent on the hospitality of the local believers. Barnabas…sold a piece of property that he owned and transferred the funds to the apostles for immediate assistance in caring for the new Christians."1
Barnabas knew he could never out–give God, and that knowledge fueled his generosity. Giving to God and to His work displays confidence in Him as our ultimate provider and enables us to be sons and daughters of encouragement.
Barnabas was not simply an observer or verbalizer. He acted to meet the extraordinary need with extraordinary generosity.
Bob Shank
1 John Rinehart, Gospel Patrons (Reclaimed Publishing, 2013), 15.