Dr. David Jeremiah Presents
Living inthe Ageof Signs
Online Destination

Living in the Age of Signs
Online Destination
How Much Do You Know About Islam?
The spread of Islam is a sign of End Times. Muslims strive to rule the world whether by peacefully migrating to and repopulating a country or by killing their enemies. The Islamification of Europe is well under way. And the ten–nation coalition Ezekiel prophesies will attack Israel in the End Times is predominantly Islamic. If we are to understand the sign of Radical Islam, we must understand Islam itself.
How much do you really know about Islam? Listen to Dr. Jeremiah’s message on the topic and test your knowledge below.
The name Islam literally means:
Which of these is not one of the five pillars of Islam?
The struggles of submitting to Allah and defending the Islamic community even unto death are both known as
What do militants and radical Muslims refer to Israel as?
The Muslim strategy of moving into a county in large numbers to spread the influence of Islam is
What direction do Muslims face when they pray? Toward . . .
Who founded Islam?

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