Dr. David Jeremiah Presents
Living inthe Ageof Signs
Online Destination

Living in the Age of Signs
Online Destination

A Sunny Dog Story
Today’s Audio Devotion:
A Sunny Dog Story
Several years ago, a sad-eyed, mixed-breed dog named Sunny was in a Houston pound only hours away from being put to sleep. A man in New York named William Berloni somehow saw her picture and rescued her from afar. Berloni is an animal trainer, and within months Sunny was a Broadway star in the stage production of Annie.
Does Sunny remind you of anyone? When we were destined for destruction, the Lord somehow saw us and rescued us from afar, and He has given us starring roles in His Kingdom.
Grace and mercy are two sides of the same coin. When we experience mercy, we’re kept from receiving what we deserve—punishment for our sins. When we experience grace, we’re freely given what we don’t deserve—abundant blessings and eternal life.
We often think we want justice, but what we really want is mercy and grace. Those are the gifts of God that truly do make us—sunny!
Jesus, full of grace and mercy, listen to our humble cry; from Thy throne above in glory, turn on us Thy gracious eye.
Christian H. Bateman
Why would anyone agree to be marked with a number that has evil implications? Even people who have never read the Bible are generally uneasy with the number 666 because of the press it receives. Films and novels use it to invoke terror and mystery. Some even make jokes about the mark, but Satan's demonic activity is no laughing matter.
So why will the world accept this mark during the Tribulation? To answer that question, we must understand the power and persuasion of the Antichrist. Let's examine how and why the mark will be implemented.
The Implementation of the Mark
Many Christians are surprised to learn that the mark of the Beast will not be implemented personally by the Antichrist—the Beast that arises from the sea (Revelation 13:1). Later in the same chapter, John explains that this mark will be initiated by a second beast, the "beast coming up out of the earth" who is later identified as the False Prophet (Revelation 16:13).
While the False Prophet will be the implementer of the mark, he will be acting on authority that comes from higher up. As John tells us, "He exercises all the authority of the first beast" (Revelation 13:12). And where does the first beast, the Antichrist, get his power? "The dragon [Satan] gave him his power, his throne, and great authority" (Revelation 13:2). Satan himself will instigate all the terrible evil of the Tribulation period with the Antichrist and the False Prophet acting as his diabolical agents.
The False Prophet, working on behalf of the Antichrist, will use the mark to subjugate the world during the Tribulation period. John tells us that "he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (Revelation 13:16–17).
As the word prophet indicates, the False Prophet will be a religious leader, the kind Jesus warned of when He said, "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves" (Matthew 7:15). Many false prophets have come and gone, but none have had the devastating impact on the world's population that the False Prophet of Revelation will inflict. He will use religion to deceive the world, and once deceived, he will use the mark of the Beast to enslave all people economically, forcing them to endure the unrelenting tyranny of Satan and the Antichrist.
The Purpose of the Mark
Revelation 13:17 tells us what the mark will do on a day–to–day basis: "No one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Only those who have the mark or the Antichrist's name or his number, identifying them as his followers, will be able to sell goods and services to support themselves and secure what they need. Anyone refusing to wear the mark will struggle to survive.
It's notable that the word mark is translated from the Greek charagma. The charagma was a symbol used somewhat like notary seals are used today. The symbol consisted of a portrait of the emperor and the year of his reign. It was required to complete commercial transactions and was stamped in wax on official documents to authenticate their validity. The mark of the Beast will function in a similar way, identifying those who bear it as worshipers of the Beast and permitting them to conduct financial transactions.
This fusion of government and religion will put the squeeze on rebels, leaving them nowhere to turn. Those who refuse the mark will be shut out of society altogether. No one will buy their products or services. Barred from employment and from shopping in stores or online, they will face bankruptcy and starvation.
Given our modern financial system, it's hard to imagine a scenario in which Christians are shut out like this. But the Bible is clear that Satan's intent is not only to keep them from means of survival, but also to force them to a decision: Will they continue to stand for Christ, refusing the mark despite the hardship promised? Or will they succumb to the loyalty demands of Satan and take on the mark to relieve that hardship?
In many countries now, Christians face persecution and even death when they stand for Christ, just as those without the mark will during the Tribulation. During that time, these questions will be put before the entire world's population, without exception. They will come in the form of the offered mark, supposedly to promote a good life, but with the intent to make clear who will live for Christ and who will yield to Satan.
This article is excerpted from chapter 25 of The Book of Signs. Order your copy today!
For Your Phone or Tablet
Official Mobile App and Lock Screens
Do you remember the days when everyone paid with cash or paper checks?
Credit receipts were made in triplicate—one page for the customer, one for the seller, and one for the bank. And there were knuckle–grinding machines that imprinted name and account numbers through two lightweight paper sheets and one tagboard sheet, each separated by carbon paper. Personal checks were written out at checkout stands, and then a clerk wrote down the payer's driver's license and home phone numbers.
Now research shows that 46% of Americans don't worry about carrying cash. As of October 2018, 29% of Americans never purchase with cash and another 52% occasionally purchase with paper money.1 That means 86% of Americans are largely paperless when it comes to their shopping.
Credit and debit cards are just one option in a growing list of electronic payment options available today. Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay allow shoppers access their bank accounts for payment by scanning a code from their smartphone. Social, cash–sharing apps like Venmo, Cash App, and Google Wallet enable individuals to repay friends and split restaurant bills by sending money electronically with the click of a button.
Why is our cashless trend significant?
What does this trend toward an electronic and cashless society have to do with Bible prophecy and the End Times?
Scripture reveals that the Antichrist will unite the world under one government—one united economy. Every person will be required to take a mark in order to buy or sell goods of any kind.
This mark could be an actual physical brand, but it could very easily be connected to the technological advances being made today.
In early 2010, the Jerusalem Post reported that Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv had implemented a first–of–its–kind biometric security system to make air travel safer and security screening more efficient than ever before. The Unipass Airport Management System was developed by the Israel Airports Authority, and "was authorized as a voluntary system.... The move to make participation mandatory has been under debate ever since the database was proposed."2 On February 27, 2017, Israel's Parliament passed a law mandating their citizens to obtain a biometric ID card.
According to an article in The Times of Israel following the passing of the law,
"The biometric card is designed to digitally encode personal information, fingerprints, photo and facial profile. The data will be stored in a chip attached to the card, which will also contain the holder's name, gender and birth date. All information will be stored in a secured database.
The law requires all citizens to give high–resolution facial images to be stored in the national biometric database. They may, however, opt out of releasing their fingerprints to the database, though that information will remain on the card."3
The mandated use of this technology is a source of controversy. Many are worried about their privacy and information security for obvious reasons. But it has even more sinister potential: it is a perfect weapon in the arsenal of a tyrant bent on world domination. As we know from the Bible, a despotic ruler will govern the entire world during the last half of the Tribulation period, and he will likely use technology to accomplish his purposes (Revelation 13:16–17).
New technology for the internet is tailor–made for the Antichrist.
According to a WORLD magazine article titled "The Tower of Google," the internet is "society's brain, continually patrolled by cyber bots that make connections."4 The omnipresent search engine—whether Google, Bing, or some other—extends its reach through "search engine optimization." With this enhancement in the past ten years, Google can target marketing specifically to our interests by following us around the internet noting where we stop, shop, and search.
Not only can they figure out what we like and want; they create those very needs and wants for us! Sergey Brin, cofounder of Google, has expressed a somewhat frightening desire to see "the development of a wireless chip to be implanted directly into the human brain."5 That is the kind of control the Antichrist is all about.
Technology Advancing Toward the Mark of the Beast
The purpose of this elaborate technology summary is to restate one reality: technological advances are paving the way for fulfillment of end–time prophecy. These innovations are creating the environment that the Antichrist and False Prophet will need to wire this world together for their evil purposes. Even now it is well within the range of possibility for a centralized power to gain worldwide control of all banking and purchasing. With Tribulation–era prophecy beginning to take shape all around us, we can anticipate the Lord's return is not far off.
If it seems drastic to connect financial technology with the mark of the Beast, remember that prophecy was written with the words and from the context of human authors in their day. When the apostle John wrote of a mark, he naturally thought of the slave or criminal branding of his day, which would inflict a literal and permanent mark on the hand or forehead. We cannot be sure the mark of the Beast will conform to John's conception of it. The mark may be an electronic identification signature via cell phone or other device that will control one's ability to make purchases if the world becomes cashless by the time of the Antichrist.
1Andrew Perrin, "More Americans are making no weekly purchases with cash," December 12, 2018, http://www.pewresearch.org/fact–tank/2018/12/12/more–americans–are–making–no–weekly–purchases–with–cash/, accessed March 1, 2019.
2Jenny David, "Israel Adopts Biometric Database Despite Security Concerns," https://www.bna.com/israel–adopts–biometric–n57982084580/, accessed March 1, 2017.
3"Knesset approves making biometric ID cards mandatory" February 28, 2017, https://www.timesofisrael.com/knesset–approves–making–biometric–id–cards–mandatory/, accessed March 1, 2019.
4Janie B Cheaney, "The Tower of Google," WORLD, March 13, 2010, https://world.wng.org/2010/02/the_tower_of_google/, accessed March 5, 2019.