Dr. David Jeremiah Presents
Living inthe Ageof Signs
Online Destination

Living in the Age of Signs
Online Destination
Matching Game: The Armor of the Believer
God provides spiritual armor that enables us to be victorious in spiritual warfare. Each piece protects a different part of the physical body as well as the spiritual body. This armor must be put on every day, ensuring it stays on and stays strong for battle.
How much do you know about your spiritual armor? Listen to Dr. Jeremiah’s message about spiritual warfare, and then test your knowledge below.
What is the activator for our spiritual armor?
What best describes the shoes of peace for today's Christian soldier?
Which piece of armor illustrates truth?
According to Ephesians, the shield of faith protects us from
The sword is our one offensive weapon, representing
The believer's assurance of salvation is protected by
The Gospel of John says Satan is the Father of
Paul emphasizes in Ephesians that our spiritual armor helps us

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