Dr. David Jeremiah Presents
Living inthe Ageof Signs
Online Destination

Living in the Age of Signs
Online Destination
Rewards—Scripture promises that rewards await us in heaven. But are these rewards meant to be our motivation while living on earth? And what form are these rewards going to take once we possess them? Find the answers to these questions and test your knowledge with the quiz below! Read chapter 16 in The Book of Signs to learn even more.
Which type of jewelry best describes our heavenly rewards?
With which sport does Paul compare the Christian life?
Since Scripture compares Christians to athletes, how should we train?
Which crown is known as the Soul Winner's Crown?
Who is the Crown of Righteousness intended for?
Enduring temptation or trial, or even martyrdom, qualifies us for which crown?
The Crown of Glory is meant for . . .
What is an even greater motivation than heavenly rewards and crowns?

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