Dr. David Jeremiah Presents
Living inthe Ageof Signs
Online Destination

Living in the Age of Signs
Online Destination
Take the Quiz on Heaven
How much do you know about heaven? The more we learn about our eternal home, the more hope and peace we will have while living in our temporary home here on earth. Once you've studied heaven with us through television or radio—or read the "Heaven" chapter of The Book of Signs—test your knowledge with this quiz.
About how many times is "heaven" mentioned in the Bible?
According to Dr. Jeremiah, what is the first heaven described as in the Bible?
The Bible refers to heaven as which of the following?
Where does Isaiah 14:13 say heaven is located?
Which of these will we gain in heaven?
Where will the names of those resurrected to heaven be written?
Referring to Jesus as the Lamb upon the throne illustrates His

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