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Today’s Audio Devotion:
The Latitude and Longitude of Gratitude: Directly Ahead

Why do fake indulgences like horoscopes, fortune cookies, and fortune tellers attract people? Because they all deliver messages about the same subject: the future. If the average person could have one question answered, it would likely be this: What does the future hold for me?

That is a human question, one as old as time. The ancients were as curious about the future as we are. For that reason, the psalmist assured Israel that though we don’t know what the future holds, we know Who holds the future. In fact, he wrote that all of our days were written in God’s “book” before even one of them came to pass. That means we can give thanks for the future today before the future arrives. If God has our future in His hands, we know it will be for our good regardless of what it holds (Romans 8:28).

The future entails the rest of today, not to mention tomorrow and the years to come. Starting today, give thanks for the future.

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.
Corrie ten Boom

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1:37 / 3:48