Dr. David Jeremiah Presents
Living inthe Ageof Signs
Online Destination
Living in the Age of Signs
Online Destination
Therapeutic Praise
Today’s Devotion:
Therapeutic Praise
According to an American Psychiatric Association (APA) poll taken in 2018, nearly 40 percent of Americans are more anxious than they were in 2017. Likewise, eighteen percent of the population suffers from an anxiety disorder. That amounts to forty million American adults. Safety, health, and finances are said to be the greatest sources of anxiety.
These are difficult times, and people around the world are facing extraordinary levels of stress. Many need professional help, and multitudes need a reason to be hopeful.
Try praise. One of the greatest antidotes to mental stress is worship with thanksgiving. When we come before the Lord, recognize His blessings, bathe our souls in His glory, claim His promises, and sing His praises—well, it’s highly therapeutic to our souls. We don’t worship Him just for what we get out of it, of course. That would be counterproductive. Worship is all about Him, not us. But how good of God to bless us, as we bless Him.
Joshua was worried before leading Israel into battle. But he fell on his face, worshiped, listened to God’s instructions, and rose to conquer. We can do the same.
Worship: The spontaneous expression of the heart to the glory of God.
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Beyond the Promised Land
This is episode nine from The Account, an original Turning Point Television production that was created to introduce David Jeremiah's teaching series I Never Thought I'd See the Day! Its message remains relevant for us as we are Living in the Age of Signs.
The Account takes you back to the 1960's when the advertising agency of Wyndham Ridgestone landed the most mysterious client in the history of their firm. This shadowy and intimidating Client hires the firm to influence the masses—to sway the behavior of people toward a liberal mindset—to market a moral shift in American culture. The faceless and nameless Client presents ten issues to the advertising firm and employs it to create these morally destructive campaigns.