Dr. David Jeremiah Presents
Living inthe Ageof Signs
Online Destination
Living in the Age of Signs
Online Destination
Regaining Hope
Today’s Audio Devotion:
Regaining Hope
The word hope occurs sixteen times in the book of Job, but most of the references are about how Job lost hope during his multiple tragedies. He said, “What strength do I have, that I should hope?” (Job 6:11) And he said, “He breaks me down on every side, and I am gone; my hope He has uprooted like a tree” (Job 19:10).
Any of us can lose hope when we’re having difficulties and not sure what God is doing in our lives. We can lose hope because others have mistreated us or even because of our own mistakes. When we’re feeling sorry for ourselves and sinking into discouragement, we’re letting the biblical quality of hope erode in our minds.
If this is true for you, read in the first chapter of 1 Peter about our “living hope” that comes from God’s abundant mercy (1:3), about the importance of resting our hope fully on God’s grace (1:13), and about projecting our hope forward in anticipation of Christ’s return (1:21).
Where there is no hope in the future, there is no power in the present.
John Maxwell
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Beyond the Promised Land
This is episode nine from The Account, an original Turning Point Television production that was created to introduce David Jeremiah's teaching series I Never Thought I'd See the Day! Its message remains relevant for us as we are Living in the Age of Signs.
The Account takes you back to the 1960's when the advertising agency of Wyndham Ridgestone landed the most mysterious client in the history of their firm. This shadowy and intimidating Client hires the firm to influence the masses—to sway the behavior of people toward a liberal mindset—to market a moral shift in American culture. The faceless and nameless Client presents ten issues to the advertising firm and employs it to create these morally destructive campaigns.