The giants we face have different names: Fear. Discouragement. Loneliness. Worry. Guilt. Temptation. Anger. Resentment. Doubt. Procrastination. Failure. Jealousy. Call them what you will; they’re only giants, after all, like Goliath. He was a shade over nine feet tall, but it only added up to a bigger dent in the pavement once he fell. The bigger they come, the harder they fall.
Can you imagine...
walking into church one Sunday and seeing this announcement posted on the bulletin board?
The amazing reality
Can you imagine...
walking into church one Sunday and seeing this announcement posted on the bulletin board?
oh, I know it might seem silly think about attending a rehearsal for the Rapture—but here’s the amazing reality:
God’s Word outlines ten ways we should be preparing for Christ’s return!
And when you think about it, it only makes sense...rehearsal just means getting ready for something—it’s preparation for a future event. And that is exactly what we should be doing in light of Christ’s return.
As you shelter in place... Shelter in God
The death of a loved one. The loss of a job. A catastrophic illness. A novel coronavirus.
Where is God in our times of trouble?
According to Dr. Jeremiah, God is right here—beside you. He is a fortress we can run to whenever we feel frustrated, uncertain, or afraid, and He will always be enough. Learn how to take shelter in Him.
Request NowWho Can we Pray for?
Someone in your life needs to know Jesus better.
Send us the name of a loved one who needs to know Jesus—or needs to know Him better—and we’ll join you in prayer for them.
63,889 names have been submitted so far!
Submit name(s) for prayer Download Prayer GuideNew Teaching About the Global Pandemic
This new volume is based on Dr. Jeremiah’s book When Your World Falls Apart. In addition to sharing the comforting and strength-giving poetry and truth of the Psalms, Shelter in God includes updated and new material adapted for navigating the COVID-19 crisis.
In these pages, you will learn:
- Why isn’t God answering my prayers right away?
- How can I hear from God when it feels like He is not answering?
- How can I pray when I don’t know what to pray?
- This isn’t how things were supposed to be. How do I find “normal” again?
- How can I plan for the future when everything is so uncertain?
And much more of specific value to you and your loved ones in these difficult days
Request NowOnly Available online
Free Study Guide for Facing COVID-19
In order to make the updated When Your World Falls Apart study guide available to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, we are offering it available as a download from our website.
This free download includes:
- Newly updated teaching materials related to COVID-19
- Timeless content from When Your World Falls Apart for facing any trial
- An overview of each lesson
- Personal study questions
- Small group leader’s guide
Special DVD Message included in every set
Where Is God in This Pandemic?
Pandemics and natural disasters raise questions about the nature of our security, about our fear of the uncontrollable, about the character of God.
- What do natural disasters tell us about God?
- Is Satan to blame for the coronavirus?
- Can anything good come out of this?
- Could disasters prove the existence of God?
- If God is good, why do bad things happen?
- Has God lost control of nature?
- What should be our response to natural disasters?
This special message from David Jeremiah is included on DVD with every set.
Request NowThe Perfect Gift for a Struggling Friend
In every corner of the world, the coronavirus has contributed to death, isolation, economic hardship, rampant fear, and more. Yet, in the midst of our trials, God is with us—in the center of our pain—comforting, guiding, encouraging, teaching, sustaining. He is the fortress we can run to whenever we feel frustrated, uncertain, or afraid. God’s people are blessed beyond measure to have this assurance. But...
someone you know needs to find shelter in God.
The Bible contains wisdom for living victoriously in times of trouble. With whom could you share this inspirational message of strength and hope?
Request Copies to ShareShare the Hope and Inspiration
The Sheltering God Tract
The priceless counsel of the Word of God reminds us of God’s faithfulness to Noah, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Naomi, David, Elijah, Jonah, Daniel, Esther, the disciples, Paul, John, Jesus… and us!
There is no occurrence in our life that is outside the scope and vision of God’s loving hand. This resource celebrates the unchanging God who is our refuge, our strength, and our hope.
"I cannot tell you what the future holds, but I do know from Scripture how God has used times of sheltering in the past. And I can tell you this: the God who sheltered His people in biblical days won’t stop now." —David Jeremiah
Shelter in God is more than just a book...
It's a powerful opportunity to share the hope of the Gospel
We are conducting a Shelter in God campaign, which will place copies of this book in hotels housing thousands of frontline healthcare workers—as well as coronavirus patients forced to live in hotels when they emerge from quarantine but can’t yet go home.
A Timely Gospel Presentation
In addition to providing practical ways to live out your faith in all situations, the book closes with a clear plan of salvation, along with a reply form for people who make a spiritual decision and want to request Your Greatest Turning Point, our resource for new believers.
Your generous gift today helps support this outreach. You’ll impact countless healthcare workers on the frontlines of the pandemic—and countless more who have contracted coronavirus themselves.
Thank you so much for partnering with us in ministry.
About the author
David Jeremiah
Dr. David Jeremiah is one of America’s most trusted Bible teachers.
For more than 37 years he has helped millions deepen their understanding of the Bible through 4,552 daily Turning Point Radio releases and a daily Turning Point Television program that reaches millions of people globally.
Dr. Jeremiah has authored many books, including The God You May Not Know, Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven, Escape the Coming Night, and The Book of Signs.
Shelter in God resources
Available with your gift in support of our ongoing ministry:
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applied to ministry
Support Turning Point’s outreach to healthcare workers and coronavirus patients... without receiving printed resources.
Give NowWith your Gift of any Amount
You'll Receive:
A softcover copy of Shelter in God, 304 pages
Access to the downloadable study guide
Request NowWith A Gift of $60 or More:
You'll Receive
- A softcover copy of Shelter in God, 304 pages
- 11 messages on CD
- "Where Is God in This Pandemic?" bonus DVD
- The Sheltering God tract
- Access to the downloadable study guide
Request Now