Reaching the World Beyond Our Borders
What a difference you made!
Thank you for the role you played in reaching even more of the world with the Gospel message this past Christmas through Why the Nativity?
God has blessed your prayers and generosity—more than we could have asked or imagined (Ephesians 3:20)!
None of this could have happened without you.

- Why the Nativity? was translated into four more languages this Christmas, including Mandarin (the most spoken language in the world after English), Hindi, Arabic, and Telugu—giving us the potential to reach two billion more people in their own language with the message of Why the Nativity? This means the film is now available in six total languages (including English and Spanish).

Why the Nativity?
watch party in Chennai, India

- The film was broadcast 123 times internationally in countries such as Kenya, India, Taiwan, Jamaica, and other parts of North Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and the Caribbean. View all the places Why the Nativity? aired this year.

- WhytheNativity.org was accessed by 20 Countries in 2023.

- In 2023, between YouTube, the Turning Point App, and WhytheNativity.org the film was viewed 2.7M times. Totaling 20.4M views between 2022 and 2023.

- Our Why the Nativity? social media content reached 17.6 million people via Facebook and Instagram.

- 6,300 requests were made for the Why the Nativity? Church and Small Group Digital Resource Kits. Bringing the two-year total to 10,600 requests.

- A specialized embed feature was made available for people to be able to host the entire Why the Nativity? film directly on their website. This means churches, local businesses, entrepreneurs, and more could share the biblical Christmas story from their own website—reaching people who might never visit WhytheNativity.org on their own! The film was viewed 77,635 times from these platforms.

- 7,433 people signed up for our first ever YouVersion reading plan featuring a five-day Christmas devotional with content from Why the Nativity?
To God be the glory!
Together, we are reaching people in difficult-to-reach, war-torn places of the world—places you or I may never physically be able to go and tell people the Good News. But together, we can reach them, with the hope of the Nativity, in their own language.
Thank you, again, for the part you played in supporting this evangelistic outreach through prayer and giving—for your hand in helping multitudes to find Christ at Christmas.
Stay tuned! We’ll return to the airwaves and Internet in Christmas 2024 with the Gospel message of Why the Nativity? in five more languages (for a total of eleven)...because there are more souls to reach! Please help us as Turning Point positions Why the Nativity? to reach this generation and generations to come here at home and around the world!

Why the Nativity? Translated Into Four More Languages
With 1.1 billion native speakers worldwide, after English, this is the most spoken language in the world!
Watch the full-length movie in Mandarin.
Hindi is spoken in 8 countries in the world and is one of the official languages of India! There are 609.4 million native speakers of Hindi.
Watch the full-length movie in Hindi.
There are an estimated 274 million Arabic speakers in the world, making it the fifth most spoken language.
Watch the full-length movie in Arabic.
Telugu is spoken by about 96 million people and has primary official status in more than one Indian state!
Watch the full-length movie in Telugu.