Today's Devotional: May 23
May I? Asking Amiss
A Kansas man went before the judge in a conflict with his ex-wife, asking the court for permission to engage in a sword fight with her. He asked for twelve weeks to find katana and wakizashi swords for his requested battle, arguing, “To this day, trial by combat has never been explicitly banned or restricted as a right in these United States.” The judge has deferred the decision until later “citing irregularities with both sides’ motions and responses.”[1]
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Watch the Brand-New Interview with David Jeremiah
In his new book, Dr. David Jeremiah invites you to walk more closely with Jesus while opening his heart with detailed information about the dearest Person in his life. Now you can learn more about the book and his new teaching series through this conversation with another dear person in his life—his son and Turning Point COO, David Michael Jeremiah.
You Know What Jesus Did
It's Time to Discover Who Jesus Is
"Jesus loves me, this I know." We sang it as kids. But there is so much more we need to know. This series will help you discover, more intensively and comprehensively than ever before, what those words really mean. Did you know...
- Jesus can be found in the Old Testament
- Jesus is praying for you
- Jesus said we will do greater works than He did!
Join Dr. David Jeremiah on a journey into the heart of the One who loves you more than anyone else ever could.
One Message—Many Tools
Engage with The Jesus You May Not Know
There is one Man who can rescue us from death, fill us with hope, guide our eternal destiny, employ us in eternal work, and prepare a place in heaven for us. He happens to be David Jeremiah’s Best Friend, and He wants to have a deep, personal relationship with you too.
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The Jesus You May Not Know digital resources
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Learn to fathom Jesus like never before
Watch: How Can We Understand Eternity?
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Scriptures That Reveal the Jesus You May Not Know
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FREE Online Leader's Guide
It’s astonishing how many people do not know Jesus. Even some Christians, called by God to share His Truth with the lost—are shockingly unaware of who Jesus really is. Without a doubt, there is someone in your life who needs to know Jesus. Needs His love. Needs His grace. Needs the gift of eternal life that He purchased on the cross and guaranteed as He rose from the dead!
Who could you invite to join you on this journey from knowing about Jesus to knowing Him intimately? Turning Point is offering a free leader's guide to help you facilitate discussions about The Jesus You May Not Know. The guide is available as a download, or it can be viewed via our online reader from any platform, with Internet access.
Turning Points Magazine & Devotional
Free Download: Who Is Jesus?
To complement the launch of a new series focused on The Jesus You May Not Know, the May issue of Turning Points contains articles, devotionals, broadcast schedules, and resources that are designed to help you deepen your study of Jesus.
From pages 13-14:
Some of us who grew up hearing about how Jesus healed the sick and stilled the storm and died and rose again… well, we may unconsciously think we’ve heard just about all there is about Jesus. But Jesus is infinite! There’s always something new to learn. The more we study Him, the more insights we gain, and the closer to Him we grow.
New From David Jeremiah
Take Shelter in His Presence as You Shelter in Place
Even in times of chaos, God is right beside you—exactly where He has always been and always will be. He is the fortress we can run to whenever we feel frustrated, uncertain, or afraid, and He will always be enough.
In response to the ongoing global crisis, Dr. David Jeremiah has prepared a new resource to provide encouragement about God’s presence in the midst of trials. Discover inspiring, biblical wisdom for living in God’s Word during a crisis.
An excerpt from The Jesus You May Not Know
Meet David Jeremiah’s Best Friend
I want to introduce you to the Man who has rescued me from death, filled me with hope, directed me in the decisions that have shaped my destiny, employed me in His global work, and is currently preparing a new home for me in a place where I’ll never grow old.
He is my Mentor and Master, and it’s a joy to introduce you to the Jesus you may not know.
None of us know Him as fully as we should….
Ultimate Bible Trivia
Test Your Knowledge
New streaming content for Bible Strong Partners
Watch The God You May Not Know
This Month's From This Point Forward Article
Read "Real Christianity"
The Supreme Study of a Lifetime
The God You May Not Know
The study of God, as revealed in Scripture, is the supreme study of a lifetime. It lifts our thoughts, steadies our nerves, purifies our motives, expands our confidence, and strengthens our influence. It’s the greatest subject we could ever study for God is the apex of all reality. Take the journey from knowing about God to knowing Him personally with the help of Dr. David Jeremiah.
Facing the Coronavirus
Free Resources From David Jeremiah for Facing the Pandemic
Isolated and alone, many people are experiencing overwhelming fear and anxiety as they face an invisible enemy. In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Dr. David Jeremiah has prepared several messages of hope that are straight from God’s Word. His goal is to encourage as many people as possible with biblical truth during these unprecedented times, so Turning Point is offering this series for on-demand streaming, free of charge, on our dedicated Facing Coronavirus page. We hope you will be blessed by them and share them with others!
Free Family Fun!
Explore the World of Airship Genesis
If you have elementary-aged children at home, we have something special for you! All four seasons of the Airship Genesis: Legendary Bible Adventures are available for online streaming. Your kids can enjoy hours of audio adventures, download related activities, explore a map of Rocket Cove, get to know the Genesis Exploration Squad, and read weekly devotionals. Our free mobile game for Apple and Android devices is also available to download!
Grown-ups, we have resources for you too. Visit the grown-ups tab at to view relevant parenting articles. This month’s featured article, “Sanctifying the Spin Cycle,” offers a word of encouragement for mothers and grandmothers in honor of Mother’s Day.
What is says. What it means. What it means to you.
The Jeremiah Study Bible
If you could flip through the pages of God’s Word with a prophecy expert, what questions would you ask? Which passages would you want to review? With The Jeremiah Study Bible, you don’t have to pick and choose. From Genesis to Revelation, this robust study Bible contains a rich treasure trove of resources to aid your study.
Whether you journey through ancient Babylon with Daniel or delve into Revelation with the apostle John, David Jeremiah’s study notes will be your constant companion as you study God’s Word.
From Dr. David Jeremiah
Tour the Land of the Bible with Dr. David Jeremiah
After leading several trips to the land of the Bible, Israel has become one of my favorite places on earth. Donna and I are excited to return for another Turning Point Israel tour, March 19-29, 2019.
We’ll visit historical places like:
- Gethsemane
- The Sea of Galilee
- The Mount of Beatitudes
- And more
I’ll guide you through these sacred sites and others, teaching God’s Word as we retrace our Savior’s steps. Imagine seeing the same landscape Jesus saw, being baptized in the Jordan River, or singing at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem.
These life experiences will change you forever.