Today's Devotional: Jul. 3

Whet Your Appetite for Heaven

Imagine that you have saved for years for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure vacation. You’ve researched your destination and talked with a travel agent about the best places to stay. You know where you are going, what to expect, and can’t wait to get the most out of your dream adventure trip.


Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven

Insider Information about Heaven

Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven

God has big plans for our future: the return of Christ, a new heaven and a new earth, and an eternal home in heaven. Studying what the Bible says about heaven will empower us to live holy, godly, and purposeful lives—and it will answer many of our questions.

  • What happens when we die?
  • Where do we go?
  • Is there an afterlife?
  • Does the Bible give any details about heaven?
  • Are there really streets of gold? Pearly gates?
  • Has anyone been to heaven and returned with insider information?

Dive deep into the mysteries of heaven with David Jeremiah’s Heaven Set.

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The FAQ's about heaven

Answers to Questions About Heaven

What comes to mind when you think about heaven? Clouds and harps? Spires and domes? Most people form their impressions of heaven from television, movies, and their imaginations rather than a careful study of Scripture. But the Bible contains over 500 references to heaven. It provides detailed information about the heavenly home that awaits everyone who places their trust in Him.

God’s Word provides such comprehensive information about our eternal home that it’s overwhelming. This question-and-answer book distills the details as simply, readably, and biblically as possible.

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Answers to Questions About Heaven
Shelter in God

New From David Jeremiah

Take Shelter in His Presence as You Shelter in Place

Even in times of chaos, God is right beside you—exactly where He has always been and always will be. He is the fortress we can run to whenever we feel frustrated, uncertain, or afraid, and He will always be enough.

In response to the ongoing global crisis, Dr. David Jeremiah has prepared a new resource to provide encouragement about God’s presence in the midst of trials. Discover inspiring, biblical wisdom for living in God’s Word during a crisis.

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Is There a Heaven? Quick-Reference Guide - Request Your Free Pocket Guide to Heaven

Is There a Heaven? Quick-Reference Guide

Request Your Free Pocket Guide to Heaven

Take Our 10-Question Quiz - Will I Go to Heaven?

Take Our 10-Question Quiz

Will I Go to Heaven?

David Jeremiah Explains - What Does Heaven Look Like?

David Jeremiah Explains

What Does Heaven Look Like?

Jot us a Letter—It's Letter Month

David Jeremiah Wants to Hear From You

Broadcast ministry can seem one-sided sometimes. You tune in and here from us. But we don’t have as much opportunity to hear from friends of the ministry who are impacted by our outreach. That’s why we’re asking you to share whatever is on your heart:

  • Do you have a favorite teaching series?
  • Perhaps an issue of Turning Points devotional magazine spoke to your heart?
  • Was there a moment when God spoke to you through Dr. Jeremiah’s teaching?
  • Has an insight from God’s Word particularly blessed your family?
  • Is there someone in your life who has come to faith in Christ through Turning Point?

Send Us a Note

David Jeremiah Wants to Hear From You
The Jesus You May Not Know - Could You Use a Good Friend?

The Jesus You May Not Know

Could You Use a Good Friend?

History is full of heroes who are worth studying. While it’s possible to become an expert on the lives of people like David Livingstone, Amy Carmichael, and Martin Luther King, Jr., there is only one historical figure we can know personally: Jesus of Nazareth. He lived and died 2,000 years ago, yet the Bible assures us He is alive today. He knows us better than we know ourselves, and He wants us to know Him on a close, personal level.

Jesus is a Friend who can rescue you from death, fill you with hope, shape your destiny, and give your life new meaning. Let David Jeremiah introduce you to the Jesus you may not know.

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Access Free Online Resources

The Heaven Academy

What would you like to know about heaven? As you follow along with the Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven series, supplement your Bible study with some of David Jeremiah’s most popular video clips and articles on the subject. We have organized them into categories for quick reference on our new heaven site.

  • Who will be in heaven?
  • What will life in heaven be like?
  • What is heaven like?
  • What can I tell someone who is going through a crisis?
  • And more!

Visit the Site

The Heaven Academy
Airship Genesis Summer Adventure

Online Vacation Bible School Starts July 8

Airship Genesis Summer Adventure !

Join Airship Genesis for a free five-week VBS program this summer. Each week you will find an exciting audio adventure featuring the Genesis Exploration Squad, a Bible lesson, a memory verse, a challenge, fun activities, and more. Your kids can learn about the importance of the Bible in their lives through five separate lessons:

  • The Bible gives us direction for all of life’s adventures!
  • The Bible was written just for us by God!
  • The Bible is powerful for any situation.
  • The Bible should be shared with others.
  • God rewards us for living by the Bible.

Don’t miss Summer Adventure! The adventure begins on July 8.

Learn More

New Two-Volume Set - Make New Discoveries About God and His Son

New Two-Volume Set

Make New Discoveries About God and His Son

Find Out Now - Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

Find Out Now

Do Dogs Go to Heaven?

Test Your Knowledge - Take the New Bible Trivia Quiz

Test Your Knowledge

Take the New Bible Trivia Quiz

What it Says. What it Means. What it means for you.

The Jeremiah Study Bible

It is a great thing when God’s Word is set free in a person’s life. No one ever stays the same! With that in mind, The Jeremiah Study Bible is designed to help you observe, interpret, and apply God’s Word to your life.

No matter what subject you are studying, you will find numerous study notes, sidebars, and insightful articles to aid your study. This excerpt about heaven is related to Revelation 22:

“When we understand what God has prepared for those who love Him, we need never fear again (1 Cor. 2:9, 10). If we have heaven clearly in our minds, then our only other concern is for those we love and those who have yet to hear of God’s eternal plan…” (“No More Fear”).

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The Jeremiah Study Bible
Facing Uncertain Times - Where Is God in this Pandemic

Facing the Coronavirus

Free Resources From David Jeremiah for Facing the Pandemic

Isolated and alone, many people are experiencing overwhelming fear and anxiety as they face an invisible enemy. In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Dr. David Jeremiah has prepared several messages of hope that are straight from God’s Word. His goal is to encourage as many people as possible with biblical truth during these unprecedented times, so Turning Point is offering this series for on-demand streaming, free of charge, on our dedicated Facing Coronavirus page. We hope you will be blessed by them and share them with others!

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Wherever You Go, Turning Point is there

Never Miss a Message With the Turning Point App

Broadcast schedules are determined months in advance. Life isn’t. When the unexpected happens, find Bible Strong teaching at any time of the day or night on our free mobile app.

  • Stream or download messages
  • View daily devotionals
  • Access your account information and offline content
  • Keep in touch with everything happening at Turning Point

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Turning Point Mobile App

From Dr. David Jeremiah

Tour the Land of the Bible with Dr. David Jeremiah

After leading several trips to the land of the Bible, Israel has become one of my favorite places on earth. Donna and I are excited to return for another Turning Point Israel tour, March 19-29, 2019.

We’ll visit historical places like:

  • Gethsemane
  • The Sea of Galilee
  • The Mount of Beatitudes
  • And more

I’ll guide you through these sacred sites and others, teaching God’s Word as we retrace our Savior’s steps. Imagine seeing the same landscape Jesus saw, being baptized in the Jordan River, or singing at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem.

These life experiences will change you forever.

Learn More

Tour the Land of the Bible with Dr. David Jeremiah
Find out now - Are You Going to Heaven?

Find out now

Are You Going to Heaven?

How Is Turning Point Making a Difference in Your Life? - Write to Us!

How Is Turning Point Making a Difference in Your Life?

Write to Us!

Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven Share Pack - Share the Good News About Heaven

Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven Share Pack

Share the Good News About Heaven


Delivering the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world.

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