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Daily Devotions

Today’s Devotion:
Therapeutic Praise

According to an American Psychiatric Association (APA) poll taken in 2018, nearly 40 percent of Americans are more anxious than they were in 2017. Likewise, eighteen percent of the population suffers from an anxiety disorder. That amounts to forty million American adults. Safety, health, and finances are said to be the greatest sources of anxiety.

These are difficult times, and people around the world are facing extraordinary levels of stress. Many need professional help, and multitudes need a reason to be hopeful.

Try praise. One of the greatest antidotes to mental stress is worship with thanksgiving. When we come before the Lord, recognize His blessings, bathe our souls in His glory, claim His promises, and sing His praises—well, it’s highly therapeutic to our souls. We don’t worship Him just for what we get out of it, of course. That would be counterproductive. Worship is all about Him, not us. But how good of God to bless us, as we bless Him.

Joshua was worried before leading Israel into battle. But he fell on his face, worshiped, listened to God’s instructions, and rose to conquer. We can do the same.

Worship: The spontaneous expression of the heart to the glory of God.


Some 2,600 years ago, God gave King Nebuchadnezzar a dream. In this dream, the king saw a five–part statue made of five different metals (see Daniel 2). Each section represented an empire, beginning with Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon. Four of these empires have already risen and fallen in history—a clear fulfillment of Daniel's prophetic interpretation. The fifth and final empire indicates a future Europe—a ten nation coalition that will unite under the Antichrist's rule.

You can read about the King's dream and Daniel's interpretation in Daniel 2, but let's take a quick visual look at what you will find:

The Colossus
  1. King Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon

    Daniel's words to the king are clear. "You are this head of gold" (Daniel 2:37–38).

  2. Medo–Persian Empire

    The Medo–Persian Empire conquered Babylon in 539 BC and remained in power for approximately two hundred years (Daniel 5:28).

  3. Grecian Empire

    Greece's Empire succeeded the Medo–Persians (Daniel 8:21).

  4. Roman Empire

    When the Grecian empire was conquered by Rome, all the lands and peoples of the previous kingdoms were assimilated into the Roman Empire through the strengths of the "iron legions of Rome" (Daniel 2:40).

  5. Future European Coalition

    This empire has not yet risen. Daniel foretells a time when the Roman Empire—Europe—will consist of ten kingdoms or leaders. The future Roman Empire will be present on the earth when God sets up His earthly kingdom (Daniel 2:44).

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1:37 / 3:48