Dr. David Jeremiah Presents
Living inthe Ageof Signs
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Living in the Age of Signs
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God Wants You Happy!
Today’s Audio Devotion:
God Wants You Happy!
A cynic once defined Christians as people who live in fear of someone, somewhere, being happy. That is, the cynic had the impression that God wants to make life burdensome and difficult. A person who believes that has never read the Bible. Thirteen times in the Old Testament we find the phrase, “Blessed is the man who.”
What does blessed mean in Scripture? In modern English translations it is often translated as “happy” or “joyful.” In other words, God wants us to be happy and joyful in life and gives us instructions on how to achieve that goal. We are blessed when we walk in God’s ways (Psalm 1:1), when we trust in God (Psalm 84:12), when our sins are forgiven (Psalm 32:2), when we dwell in God’s presence (Psalm 65:4), when we rely on God’s strength (Psalm 84:5), and more. God would not have provided ways for us to be happy and joyful if He did not intend for us to be so.
Meditate on these and other verses which promise blessedness. It is there for the receiving for all who seek it God’s way.
Seek for happiness and you will never find it. Seek righteousness and you will discover you are happy.
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
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Beyond the Promised Land
This is episode nine from The Account, an original Turning Point Television production that was created to introduce David Jeremiah's teaching series I Never Thought I'd See the Day! Its message remains relevant for us as we are Living in the Age of Signs.
The Account takes you back to the 1960's when the advertising agency of Wyndham Ridgestone landed the most mysterious client in the history of their firm. This shadowy and intimidating Client hires the firm to influence the masses—to sway the behavior of people toward a liberal mindset—to market a moral shift in American culture. The faceless and nameless Client presents ten issues to the advertising firm and employs it to create these morally destructive campaigns.