Dr. David Jeremiah Presents
Living inthe Ageof Signs
Online Destination
Living in the Age of Signs
Online Destination
May I? Ask and It Will Be Given
Today’s Devotion:
May I? Ask and It Will Be Given
Wayne Baker, a professor at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, wrote a book titled All You Have to Do Is Ask. He believes most of us struggle with asking for help, but we often underestimate how willing people are to help us. According to Baker, learning how to ask for help is an important skill for success. He pointed to a study that sent participants to approach strangers on the streets of New York City asking, “Can I use your cellphone to make a call?” Surprisingly, many strangers were willing to oblige. On average, it took only two tries to get a New Yorker to lend them a phone.[1]
In Matthew 7:7, Jesus invited us to liberally ask God for help in meeting our needs. The New Living Translation says: “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”
Don’t be afraid to ask God for His help, and don’t be reluctant to keep on asking.
God is more willing to give than we are to ask.
Andrew Murray
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Beyond the Promised Land
This is episode nine from The Account, an original Turning Point Television production that was created to introduce David Jeremiah's teaching series I Never Thought I'd See the Day! Its message remains relevant for us as we are Living in the Age of Signs.
The Account takes you back to the 1960's when the advertising agency of Wyndham Ridgestone landed the most mysterious client in the history of their firm. This shadowy and intimidating Client hires the firm to influence the masses—to sway the behavior of people toward a liberal mindset—to market a moral shift in American culture. The faceless and nameless Client presents ten issues to the advertising firm and employs it to create these morally destructive campaigns.