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Quality Time Dos & Don'ts

by Dr. David Jeremiah

Do you ever find yourself frustrated and perhaps misunderstood when trying to to figure out what “quality time” means to your spouse?

Let’s take a look at the important issue of “time” in marriage and how differently a husband and wife can view it.

After looking at “his” and “her” perspectives on time you’ll find “the perfect blend” of both these viewpoints and suggestions for helping each other feel understood and appreciated inside the relationship.

Remember: we find joy and unity in marriage when we not only understand our partner, but stake steps to insure that the other person’s needs are met.

TIME: Use it or lose it!
Her Perspective

Time is precious and split between a variety of responsibilities.

She doesn’t mind being the partner as long as plans include quality time with her husband.

Time spent with the kids or with her girlfriends is not as important as the time spent with her husband.

Love is spelled: T I M E.

Undivided attention is time best spent, no matter the activity.

Time with her husband is more important than the activity or event they share.

She wants time with her husband other than after 10:00pm.

She wants to know that she is the ultimate clock stopper in his life—that he is willing to drop everything if she needs him to.

His Perspective

Time is compartmentalized: work, home, leisure, interests. They often don’t mix.

Images of golf, sports, working out, or other activities come to mind when he finds he has free time.

Free time is “unwind time,” and he doesn’t want the “honey do” list to interfere.

He feels that spouse vicinity is the same as spouse interactivity.

Because he is not best at multitasking, he would rather tackle one thing at a time.

If it doesn’t lead to results, it’s not worth the time.

He confuses quantity of time with quality of time.

The Perfect Blend

Learn to share! Sharing your lives means sharing your time.

Plan out and prioritize your calendar. Designate time for relaxing at home, for going out, and for getting chores done.

This is your life…right now. Don’t get so busy that you forget to slow down and enjoy it.

Take it as a compliment when your partner wants to spend time with you.

Husband: Your wife will relax and enjoy free time more when the loose ends of the house are tied up nicely.

Wife: A measure of free time away from home often rejuvenates her, giving more meaningful alone time with him at home.

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