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Pop Quiz: How Well Do You Know Jesus?

Pop Quiz: How Well Do You Know Jesus?

Many of us were blessed with godly Christian parents who introduced us to Jesus at an early age. Yet when we dig past the manger and the miracles, we discover that there’s more to Him than what we have previously learned. Jesus knows everything about us, and as we study His Word, He invites us to know more about Him on a deeper, more personal level.

Are you up for the challenge? Take this ten–question quiz to test your knowledge of Jesus.

1. After His resurrection, what did Jesus say His followers would be able to drink?

a. Juice
b. Milk
c. Water
d. Poison

The answer is D (Mark 16:18)

2. In the Gospel of John, who anointed Jesus’ feet with spikenard, an expensive ointment?

a. Mary Magdalene
b. Mary, mother of Jesus
c. Mary, sister of Lazarus
d. Mary, a nurse

The correct answer is C (John 12:3).

3. In the Gospel of Luke, where was Jesus when a sinful woman poured an alabaster jar of perfume on His head?

a. At the home of Simon the Pharisee
b. At Peter’s house
c. At the home of John and James
d. In Bethlehem

The correct answer is A (Luke 7:36).

4. What wicked ruler ordered the infant boys of Bethlehem to be slaughtered?

a. Pharaoh
b. Saul
c. Archelaus
d. Herod

The correct answer is D (Matthew 2:16–18).

5. Who was with Jesus at the transfiguration?

a. Matthew
b. John
c. Mark
d. Luke

The correct answer is B (Matthew 17:1–3).

6. Who healed Aeneas, a paralytic?

a. Paul
b. Stephen
c. Peter
d. Jesus

It’s a bit of a trick question, isn’t it? The correct answer is C (Acts 9:32–34), but Peter healed Aeneas in the name of Jesus.

7. Who brought Greeks to Jesus?

a. Andrew
b. James
c. Thaddeus
d. Matthew

The correct answer is A (John 12:20–22).

8. Where was Jesus when a Roman officer asked Him to heal his faithful servant?

a. Bethsaida
b. Capernaum
c. Cana
d. Tiberias

The correct answer is B (Luke 7:1–5).

9. Who was anointed by the Holy Ghost?

a. Moses
b. Peter
c. Joseph
d. Jesus

The correct answer is D (Acts 10:38).

10. What parable of Jesus featured greedy birds?

a. The tares
b. The prodigal son
c. The sower
d. The great supper

The correct answer is C (Mark 4:1–4).

You answered 0 out of 10 correctly.

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Well, how did you do? We hope you’ve enjoyed this quiz and learned something new about Jesus. No matter how much you know about Him, there is always more to discover. That is why Dr. David Jeremiah is offering an in–depth series on The Jesus You May Not Know. Visit the online resource center to find more tools that will aid your study.

These questions and many more can be found in Ultimate Bible Trivia by Guinness World Records Puzzle Master, Timothy E. Parker.

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