Partner Series

Exclusively available to Bible Strong Partners through September

Every three months we offer a new set of select radio series to our Bible Strong Partners as a way of saying thank you for supporting the ministry of Turning Point.

10 Messages

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Angel Mania and the Bible

Angels : Who They Are and How They Help

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Angel Mania and the Bible

10 Messages
10 Messages

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The Life of Joseph

God Meant It for Good

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The Life of Joseph

10 Messages
11 Messages

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The Isolation of Israel

Signs: Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse

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The Isolation of Israel

11 Messages
11 Messages

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A Bend in the Road

When Your World Falls Apart

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A Bend in the Road

11 Messages

Bible Strong Living Library

August topic:

Access the Bible Strong Living Library now to hear Dr. Jeremiah’s insight on a wide variety of biblical topics, and stock up on the helpful topic resources that are included with each volume.

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God Meant It for Good

Message 1: The Life of Joseph

Joseph is a major Old Testament character about whom nothing negative is ever recorded in Scripture. He was a man who submitted to the providential direction of God in his life and, in doing so, preserved the descendants of Jacob through whom the Redeemer of man would come. Covers selected Scriptures.

From the series God Meant it For Good.

God Meant It for Good

Message 1: The Life of Joseph

Joseph is a major Old Testament character about whom nothing negative is ever recorded in Scripture. He was a man who submitted to the providential direction of God in his life and, in doing so, preserved the descendants of Jacob through whom the Redeemer of man would come. Covers selected Scriptures.

From the series God Meant it For Good.


The Life of Joseph

Joseph is a major Old Testament character about whom nothing negative is ever recorded in Scripture. He was a man who submitted to the providential direction of God in his life and, in doing so, preserved the descendants of Jacob through whom the Redeemer of man would come. Covers selected Scriptures.

From the series God Meant it For Good.


Rising Above the Circumstances

We live in a "no-fault" world. It is difficult to convince people today that they are responsible for their actions. It's much easier to blame society, parents, our childhood environment, or other circumstances. Joseph chose not to let circumstances limit his prospects for success. Covers Genesis 37:1-11.

From the series God Meant it For Good.


Joseph's Father

An old saying is often heard: "We can do this the hard way or the easy way." Jacob chose the hard way. God intended to bless Jacob, but he wasn't willing to wait for God's time and place. By forging ahead in his own strength, Jacob didn't come to know God until near the end of his life. Covers Genesis 28-35.

From the series God Meant it For Good.


Betrayed by His Brothers

It is a natural reaction, when hearing a message that makes us uncomfortable, to shoot the messenger. That's what Joseph's brothers did. They didn't like the message that he would one day rule over them, so they got rid of him. But God preserved the message and the messenger. Covers Genesis 37:12-26.

From the series God Meant it For Good.


The Worst Chapter in the Bible

The story of Joseph begins well in Genesis 37. Then it seems the story disappears in Genesis 38. Believing that with God there is always a reason, careful study reveals why Genesis 38, though not about Joseph, is critical to the story of providence of which Joseph is the man character.

From the series God Meant it For Good.


The Test of Purity

Joseph might be considered a wimp today since he turned down two opportunities that many men would embrace: the chance to use prosperity for personal gain and sacrifice purity for personal satisfaction. In spite of those temptations, Joseph remained true to himself and his God. Covers Genesis 39:1-12.

From the series God Meant it For Good.


Joseph and the New Morality

There are modern theories of ethics that say, "If your goals are good, no one is hurt, and if your motivation is love, then you are free to do whatever you want." Joseph didn't let his situation determine his ethics. He maintained his beliefs regardless of how the circumstances changed. Covers Genesis 39:13-23.

From the series God Meant it For Good.


The Advantages of Adversity

It has been said that trouble doesn't determine character-- it reveals it. And for that reason trouble should be seen as a valued friend. It is only during difficulties that we have the chance to see who we really are. Joseph's character was proven during his two years in an Egyptian prison. Covers Genesis 40:1-23.

From the series God Meant it For Good.


From Prison to Palace

Many Christians focus a lot of spiritual and emotional energy on discerning the will of God for their lives. Joseph focused mainly on being faithful in the moment and leaving the long-range details to God. As a result, God's perfect will for Josephs life, and Jacob's family, was accomplished. Covers Genesis 41:1-45.

From the series God Meant it For Good.


Joseph the Prime Minister

Part of the unbiblical sacred/secular dichotomy is the idea that ministers in the church are those who bear the title. The biblical truth is that every Christian is a minister. The story of Joseph in Egypt shows how God providentially prepares a ministry for those who live in his will. Covers Genesis 41:37-57.

From the series God Meant it For Good.

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