Partner Series

Exclusively available to Bible Strong Partners through December

Every three months we offer a new set of select radio series to our Bible Strong Partners as a way of saying thank you for supporting the ministry of Turning Point.

10 Messages

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Angel Mania and the Bible

Angels : Who They Are and How They Help

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Angel Mania and the Bible

10 Messages
10 Messages

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Peace in a Distraught World

Christians Have Stress Too

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Peace in a Distraught World

10 Messages
10 Messages

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How Can I Be Sure of My Salvation?

Ten Questions Christians Are Asking

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How Can I Be Sure of My Salvation?

10 Messages
11 Messages

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Why Did Jesus Become a Man?

Why the Nativity?

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Why Did Jesus Become a Man?

11 Messages

Bible Strong Living Library

October topic: Discipleship

Access the Bible Strong Living Library now to hear Dr. Jeremiah’s insight on a wide variety of biblical topics, and stock up on the helpful topic resources that are included with each volume.

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Ten Questions Christians Are Asking

Message 1: How Can I Be Sure of My Salvation?

How confident are you that you’re saved? Are you just hoping to find out when you die, or are you absolutely certain right now? Dr. David Jeremiah shares the first of five evidences to help you know for sure that you’re a Christian. Covers 1 John 5:13.

Ten Questions Christians Are Asking

Message 1: How Can I Be Sure of My Salvation?

How confident are you that you’re saved? Are you just hoping to find out when you die, or are you absolutely certain right now? Dr. David Jeremiah shares the first of five evidences to help you know for sure that you’re a Christian. Covers 1 John 5:13.


How Can I Be Sure of My Salvation?

How confident are you that you’re saved? Are you just hoping to find out when you die, or are you absolutely certain right now? Dr. David Jeremiah shares the first of five evidences to help you know for sure that you’re a Christian. Covers 1 John 5:13.


How Can I Overcome Temptation?

Some believers think Christians are somehow exempt from temptation. If you’re one of them, listen as Dr. David Jeremiah sets the record straight. You can’t always avoid temptation, but you can escape it – that’s a promise from God’s Word. Covers selected Scriptures.


How Can I Get Victory Over Worry?

What are you worried about? Did something come to mind? Now ask yourself: how is worrying helping? Dr. David Jeremiah continues to deal with the question of worry, and offers some practical, biblical tools to help you overcome it. Covers Matthew 6:25-34.


How Can I Find Forgiveness?

If you’re a Christian, you’ve received it. And if you’re not, you need it. It’s forgiveness. Dr. David Jeremiah returns to the thirty-second Psalm to share how God’s forgiveness impacted King David and continues to change lives today. How are we to respond because God forgives us? Covers Psalm 32.


Is There Only One Way to God?

Jesus said the only way to heaven is through Him. That’s a powerful message nonbelievers need to hear, but what is the message for Christians? Dr. David Jeremiah challenges us not to be bound by a culture that labels this message as offensive or intolerant. Covers John 14:4-6.


Why Do Christians Have So Many Problems?

Can anything good come from the problems in our lives? Dr. David Jeremiah explains why the answer is oftentimes “yes” – especially when they take place in the lives of God’s children. Covers Genesis 40:1-23.


Why Don't My Prayers Get Answered?

Do you ever feel like giving up on prayer because it doesn’t seem that God is listening? Dr. David Jeremiah says, “Don’t give up!” When answers don’t come as quickly as we think they should, maybe we need to reset our clocks to God’s timing. Covers selected Scriptures.


Is There a Sin God Cannot Forgive?

Are you among the many people – Christians included – who are confused about what the Bible describes as the “unforgivable sin”? Dr. David Jeremiah considers this misunderstood sin – what it is, and what it is not. If you’re worried that you might have committed it, you’ll find relief and encouragement. Covers selected Scriptures.


What is Faith?

How would you define “faith”? It’s a word that’s been so misused and overused, its meaning can be hard to pin down. Dr. David Jeremiah goes straight to the source for understanding faith – Hebrews chapter eleven – to shed light on faith’s true meaning. Covers Hebrews 11:1-3, 6.


What Is the Greatest Commandment?

Jesus said that we are to love both vertically and horizontally, by loving God and our neighbor. How are you doing in each direction? Dr. David Jeremiah examines the horizontal aspect of love – a kind of love that’s so unique, it has its own name. Covers Mark 12:28-34.

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