Partner Series

Exclusively available to Bible Strong Partners through September

Every three months we offer a new set of select radio series to our Bible Strong Partners as a way of saying thank you for supporting the ministry of Turning Point.

10 Messages

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Angel Mania and the Bible

Angels : Who They Are and How They Help

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Angel Mania and the Bible

10 Messages
10 Messages

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The Life of Joseph

God Meant It for Good

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The Life of Joseph

10 Messages
11 Messages

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The Isolation of Israel

Signs: Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse

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The Isolation of Israel

11 Messages
11 Messages

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A Bend in the Road

When Your World Falls Apart

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A Bend in the Road

11 Messages

Bible Strong Living Library

August topic:

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When Your World Falls Apart

Message 1: A Bend in the Road

Most people go through life trying to avoid pain. We use money, medicine, and any other method to protect ourselves. Scripture teaches the opposite. While we aren’t to seek out trouble of trials, when they find us, we should look for their hidden lessons and blessings. Covers 2 Corinthians 12 and Hebrews 12. From the series When Your World Falls Apart.

When Your World Falls Apart

Message 1: A Bend in the Road

Most people go through life trying to avoid pain. We use money, medicine, and any other method to protect ourselves. Scripture teaches the opposite. While we aren’t to seek out trouble of trials, when they find us, we should look for their hidden lessons and blessings. Covers 2 Corinthians 12 and Hebrews 12. From the series When Your World Falls Apart.


A Bend in the Road

Most people go through life trying to avoid pain. We use money, medicine, and any other method to protect ourselves. Scripture teaches the opposite. While we aren’t to seek out trouble of trials, when they find us, we should look for their hidden lessons and blessings. Covers 2 Corinthians 12 and Hebrews 12. From the series When Your World Falls Apart.


A Psalm for a Dark Night

It has been well said, “Never doubt in the darkness what God has revealed in the light.” When Christians go through difficult times in their life, they often forget who they are and who God is. The secret to surviving dark days is focusing on the light of God’s truth. Covers Psalm 71. From the series When Your World Falls Apart.


Lord, I Need Help for My Life

When something goes wrong in your life, where (or to whom) do you instinctively look for help? As children and adolescents, we turn to our parents. As adults, we look to out peers. But the Christian learns to turn heavenward to the God who helps and protects. Covers Psalm 121. From the series When Your World Falls Apart.


When God Delays

Whether via email, phone, fax, video-conferencing, or face-to–face communication, we rarely have to wait to speak our mind and receive a response. But God’s ways are not our ways. What do we do when He doesn’t answer as quickly as we’d like? Covers Psalm 13. From the series When Your World Falls Apart.


Worship in Times of Trouble

Often our desire for worshiping God is tied to how we feel about life. If life is good, we worship readily; if life is hard, we don’t. But worship shouldn’t be tied to circumstance. Worship should be a constant for the Christian regardless of the direction life takes. Covers Psalm 13. From the series When Your World Falls Apart.


A Desert Psalm

On the map of every person’s life there is a wilderness place - or several. Survival is what we think of first when we think of desert places. Not prospering, not rejoicing - just surviving. David took a different approach and blossomed spiritually in the wilderness. Covers Psalm 63. From the series When Your World Falls Apart.


Life's Ups and Downs

From the moment we arise in the morning until we turn out the lights a night, we have no control over the changes life brings our way. Fortunately, we can rest in a God who knows all about the changes we can’t see coming - and can take us safely through them. Covers Psalm 30. From the series When Your World Falls Apart.


Praying Under Pressure

Someone has said that modern societies are collections of “intimate strangers.” We are around people, yet we are often lonely and sometimes discouraged. In times if discouragement, it is important to know that God is always available through prayer. Covers Psalm 142. From the series When Your World Falls Apart.


When You Are at Your Wits' End

Because we never know where any day’s journey will lead, we don’t know where we’ll end up. Often the end of our road is that undesirable abode known as “Wits’ End”- a place of frustration and confusion. Fortunately, we discover God has arrived ahead of us. Covers Psalm 107. From the series When Your World Falls Apart.


Triumphant Over Trouble

Whoever said that “God plus anyone equals a majority” had their math wrong. You can be completely alone and find yourself totally surrounded by circumstances and still find protection in the refuge that is God. Retreating into God means victory, not surrender. Covers Psalm 46. From the series When Your World Falls Apart.


The Best Is Yet to Come

Difficult situations in life cause immediate and emotional responses, to which we often react impulsively without thinking. If we would but remember who God is and rehearse what He has done for us in the past, we would find ourselves rejoicing in spite of trials. Covers Psalm 16. From the series When Your World Falls Apart.

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