Partner Series

Exclusively available to Bible Strong Partners through December

Every three months we offer a new set of select radio series to our Bible Strong Partners as a way of saying thank you for supporting the ministry of Turning Point.

10 Messages

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Angel Mania and the Bible

Angels : Who They Are and How They Help

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Angel Mania and the Bible

10 Messages
10 Messages

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Peace in a Distraught World

Christians Have Stress Too

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Peace in a Distraught World

10 Messages
10 Messages

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How Can I Be Sure of My Salvation?

Ten Questions Christians Are Asking

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How Can I Be Sure of My Salvation?

10 Messages
11 Messages

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Why Did Jesus Become a Man?

Why the Nativity?

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Why Did Jesus Become a Man?

11 Messages

Bible Strong Living Library

October topic: Discipleship

Access the Bible Strong Living Library now to hear Dr. Jeremiah’s insight on a wide variety of biblical topics, and stock up on the helpful topic resources that are included with each volume.

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Why the Nativity?

Message 1: Why Did Jesus Become a Man?

Why? Why would God Choose a plan for our redemption before the foundation of the earth? This marvelous plan of redemption is too wonderful and awesome for our comprehension. Discover five reasons why Heaven’s Son became Man’s Redeemer. Selected Scripture

Why the Nativity?

Message 1: Why Did Jesus Become a Man?

Why? Why would God Choose a plan for our redemption before the foundation of the earth? This marvelous plan of redemption is too wonderful and awesome for our comprehension. Discover five reasons why Heaven’s Son became Man’s Redeemer. Selected Scripture


Why Did Jesus Become a Man?

Why? Why would God Choose a plan for our redemption before the foundation of the earth? This marvelous plan of redemption is too wonderful and awesome for our comprehension. Discover five reasons why Heaven’s Son became Man’s Redeemer. Selected Scripture


Why Joseph?

How often have you felt that you were facing a difficult challenge in your life? Now, place that decision next to the one that was placed before Joseph when he discovered his espoused wife was with child. Take into consideration the culture, the gossip, and the promise form God. A man of extraordinary faith is required for this decision. We will learn more about him in this lesson. Covers Matthew 1:18-25.


Why Mary?

What kind of person does God use? Does He only use the rich, the powerful, or those with the greatest intellect? Or does He use only those who understand all of His ways and plans? The answer to both questions is “no.” The people God uses are the people who trust in Him. This is exactly what Mary did. Covers Luke 1:26 – 38.


Why Bethlehem?

God has a sovereign will and purpose that can be seen clearly in the selection of Bethlehem as the birthplace for the Lord. Through this plan we can see the importance of the location as well as the prophetic significance to the Old Testament verses detailing the symbolic and historical importance of this site. Micah 5:2


Why No Room in the Inn?

We stand in awe before earthly kings, but can you imagine the joy and adoration we will experience when we stand before the King of Kings one day? Now, imagine if a king or queen decided to be a common man for a period of time and that they walked, worked, and talked with you. You would be awe-struck. That is what Christ did for us – He invaded humanity for a time so that someday we can see Him in all His glory. Luke 2:7


Why the Shepherds?

There is something about the image of a shepherd out amongst his flock, with only his dog and the sheep for his companions that seems picturesque and inviting. You can sense the quiet of the hillside as the sheep quietly graze and the shepherd’s eyes carefully watch over each one in his care. This is not a picture of someone who craves attention or notoriety, but it is someone who God has chosen to participate in the birth of Christ. Luke 2:8-14


Why the Gifts of the Wise Men?

Travel today can be fun and exciting, but in the year of our Lord’s birth travel was slow, arduous, and difficult. We are told that the Wise Men traveled across a continent to see the Messiah. You can only imagine the difficulties they encountered along the way – fresh water, food, a place to rest and sleep. Without a doubt it was probably difficult, but this journey was one of love and commitment. Matthew 2:1-2; 11-12


Why Music at Christmas?

Are you a patient person? Everyone at some point in their life becomes impatient waiting for a special event to come. Like a teenager waiting for their driver’s license, we count the days for special events in our lives. When the event finally happens we are overcome with excitement and joy. When I think of “joy” I think of music. Christmas is the ultimate celebration where our joy overflows into music and song. Selected Scriptures


Why Call Him Immanuel?

The mystery of our salvation and the plan that God designed for our redemption is one that theologians through the ages cannot completely articulate adequately. However, we can understand these three words “God with us” which clearly says it all. He become like us so that we could someday be with Him. Selected Scripture


Why Call Him Savior?

There are more than 300 names and titles to describe Jesus, but the name “Savior” provides a poignant reminder to us that God is not leaving us in our sin, but has provided a way for our salvation. Luke 2:11


Why the “Fear - Nots” of Christmas?

Promises are only as good as the character of the person who makes the promise. God has promised a future with Him someday, and He is faithful, so “fear” should be eliminated form our vocabulary. Learn to believe in the One who is worthy of all our praise, faith, worship, and love. Luke 1 & 2

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