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An Israeli Insider's View

God’s Prophetic Clock Is Ticking

As the last hour approaches, it’s time to topple misconceptions and discern God’s true plan. Let this book be your guide to biblical truth regarding the Rapture, the Antichrist, the Great Tribulation, and world powers.

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Your Definitive Guide to Biblical Prophecy

The Book of Signs

Prepare for what lies ahead with this powerful prophecy resource set. Study 31 prophecies of the Apocalypse in Dr. Jeremiah’s easy-to-understand style, and gain an Israeli insider’s view of current events.

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Turning Point for kids!

Discover the world of Airship Genesis

Dig into Revelation with Dr. Jeremiah's personal study notes - Maximize your study of prophecy

Dig into Revelation with Dr. Jeremiah’s personal study notes

Maximize your study of prophecy

A.D. The Revolution That Changed the World - Bible Strong Partners - Watch Now

A.D. The Revolution That Changed the World

Bible Strong Partners—watch now

An Excerpt from The Last Hours - The Deception of the Nations

An Excerpt from The Last Hour

The Deception of the Nations

... Never in Scripture do we see the name Palestine being used.

Where, then, did the name come from? In AD 132, a Jewish man named Simon bar Kokhba led a revolt against the Roman Empire. Starting in the central town of Modi’in, the revolt quickly spread. Hadrian, like most Roman emperors, did not take too kindly to uprisings, so he dropped the hammer on Judea. Nearly one-third of the Roman army, under the leadership of General Julius Severus, descended mercilessly upon the nation.

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Do you know God...really? - How to Become a Christian

Do you know God...really?

How to become a Christian

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Ultimate Bible Trivia

How Well Do You Know the Bible?

Test your knowledge of the Bible with thousands of challenging trivia questions created by Guinness World Records Puzzle Master Timothy E. Parker. Some of the exercises may be easy for you, and some may be more difficult. However, they all have one purpose—to teach the Word of God and bring you to the highest level of Bible understanding and knowledge. Whether you attempt it alone or with family and friends, Ultimate Bible Trivia will teach, challenge, enlighten, and entertain you.

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Ultimate Bible Trivia

From the Living In The Age of Signs Website

5 Facts About the Second Coming of Christ

One day Christ will return to earth in all His glory as the Judge who will right every wrong in our world. This event is mentioned throughout Scripture, particularly in the New Testament. It will occur after the Tribulation, when Christ defeats the Great Dragon, and before His one–thousand–year reign on earth. Scripture reveals several details about Christ's return, but there is much we will not know until it takes place....

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