
A close group of ministry friends have just offered to MATCH all online donations given up until this Sunday at midnight, up to $1 million!

Your opportunity to DOUBLE your gift is NOW through this generous Matching Challenge!

Your gift will enable us to launch into a new fiscal year on strong financial footing (beginning July 1).


Turning Point Ministry Update

Overcomer Interview with Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point Ministry Update with Dr. David Jeremiah
83% of every dollar we receive goes directly back into ministry

83% of every dollar we receive goes directly back into ministry

We believe stewardship is lordship.

We realize every dime given to Turning Point belongs to God. That’s why we keep administrative and fundraising costs low—those expenses only account for 17 cents of each dollar we receive. When you support Turning Point, you can be confident that your gift will be used to spread the Gospel around the world.

What's Next for Turning Point in 2024....

Why the Nativity?

Why the Nativity? will be released in six additional languages for a total of eleven available languages this 2024 holiday season!

The Coming Golden Age: 31 Ways to Be Kingdom Ready

Coming this fall, new from Dr. Jeremiah, The Coming Golden Age: 31 Ways to Be Kingdom Ready!

Join Dr. David Jeremiah this fall for an incredible time of LIVE worship, teaching, and more!

Join Dr. David Jeremiah this fall for an incredible time of LIVE worship, teaching, and more!

Where Do We Go From Here October

Where Do We Go From Here? — In this new prophecy series, Dr. Jeremiah will examine the current events unfolding around us and show how they connect to end-times prophecy.

Why The Nativity? October

Why The Nativity? - Unlike any project Turning Point has undertaken before, this cinematic Christmas docudrama is strategically designed to reach our new History Channel audience with a powerful retelling of Christ’s birth.

Turning Point Testimony

“How do I put into words the many times that God has spared my life from near-death experiences. Only to each time return him to the back burner of my life, until last year. Last year, I reached out and requested your little book, “Your Greatest Turning Point”.

I started listening to Dr. David Jeremiah’s messages on radio and TV. Then, in April of last year, my husband took his own life, and he was prepared to take mine as well. But God again provided an escape for me.

After that, God put me in a season of isolation. During that time Dr. David Jeremiah’s sermon and teachings ministered to me, and I began to heal. I started going to church, got baptized and have been involved with several events to further God’s love to others in need of Him.

I thank God daily for Turning Point and Dr. David Jeremiah and his faithful service to God to reach people just like me. All the books and resources are so helpful, and I love being a Bible Strong partner. I thank God that he provides a way for me to help, and to think it all began with “your little book”. FOREVER GRATEFUL.”

—Dee from Madison Heights, MI
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