The giants we face have different names: Fear. Discouragement. Loneliness. Worry. Guilt. Temptation. Anger. Resentment. Doubt. Procrastination. Failure. Jealousy. Call them what you will; they’re only giants, after all, like Goliath. He was a shade over nine feet tall, but it only added up to a bigger dent in the pavement once he fell. The bigger they come, the harder they fall.

Can you imagine...
walking into church one Sunday and seeing this announcement posted on the bulletin board?
The amazing reality
Can you imagine...
walking into church one Sunday and seeing this announcement posted on the bulletin board?
oh, I know it might seem silly think about attending a rehearsal for the Rapture—but here’s the amazing reality:
God’s Word outlines ten ways we should be preparing for Christ’s return!
And when you think about it, it only makes sense...rehearsal just means getting ready for something—it’s preparation for a future event. And that is exactly what we should be doing in light of Christ’s return.
Discover the Truth
Jesus? Sure. Lots of people know about Him.
But do you really know HIM...personally, intimately, fully?
Dr. David Jeremiah takes you on an amazing journey into the very heart of Christ—not through a storybook of His life, but through an astonishing exploration of His character, His attributes, His spirit.
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Someone in your life needs to know Jesus better.
Send us the name of a loved one who needs to know Jesus—or needs to know Him better—and we’ll join you in prayer for them.
64,076 names have been submitted so far!
Submit name(s) for prayer Download Prayer GuideDid you know...
- Jesus can be found in the Old Testament!
- Jesus actively seeks us!
- Jesus is praying for you!
- Jesus said we will do greater works than He did!
- Jesus desires to work through you today!
- Jesus is preparing for a second resurrection!
- Jesus is living in the past, present, and future!
“Coming to know Jesus in these ways changed me. And I want to share Jesus with you in the full depth of His person.”
Receive David Jeremiah’s complete teaching series when you request The Jesus You May Not Know set.
This study is not a recounting of Jesus’ earthly life and ministry. It is not about what Jesus did.
The Jesus You May Not Know is about who Jesus is... His character, His attributes, His spirit.

Excerpt from The Jesus You May Not Know
I want you to better know the dearest Person in my life.
I want to introduce you to the Man who has rescued me from death, filled me with hope, directed me in the decisions that have shaped my destiny, employed me in His global work, and is currently preparing a new home for me in a place where I’ll never grow old.
He is my Mentor and Master, and it's a joy to introduce you to the Jesus you may not know.
None of us know Him as fully as we should, for Jesus is the mystery of the ages—the Almighty God whose throne is in heaven; the Nazarene Carpenter who wiped sweat from His brow; the Stranger of Galilee who napped in a boat; the Teacher whose wisdom changed the ethics of the world; the Prisoner whose execution was excruciating; the Corpse who borrowed a tomb; the Body who returned to life; the Savior who bled for the world; the Hero who...
I want to introduce you to the Man who has rescued me from death, filled me with hope, directed me in the decisions that have shaped my destiny, employed me in His global work, and is currently preparing a new home for me in a place where I’ll never grow old.
He is my Mentor and Master; and it’s a joy to introduce you to the Jesus you may not know. None of us know Him as fully as we should, for Jesus is the mystery of the ages—the Almighty God whose throne is in heaven; the Nazarene Carpenter who wiped sweat from His brow; the Stranger of Galilee who napped in a boat; the Teacher whose wisdom changed the ethics of the world; the Prisoner whose execution was excruciating; the Corpse who borrowed a tomb; the Body who returned to life; the Savior who bled for the world; the Hero who divided history into B.C. and A.D.; and the glorious King whose return is right on schedule.
So multifaceted is He that the Bible overflows with names, titles, and designations to describe Him. He is:
The Alpha and Omega, and the Anointed One
The Beloved Son, and the Bright and Morning Star
The Carpenter of Nazareth, and the Christ of Glory
The Deliverer, and the Daystar From on High
The Everlasting Lord
The First and the Last, and the Faithful and True
The Great I AM, and the Good Shepherd
The High Priest, and the Holy One of Israel
Immanuel—God With Us
The Judge of All the Earth
The King of the Jews, and the King of Kings
The Lily of the Valley, the Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah, and the Lord of Lords
The Man of Sorrows, and the Morning Star
The Nazarene
The Overcomer
The Prince of Peace
The Redeemer, the Rabbi, and the Rock
The Son of God, the Son of Man, and the Savior of the World
The Teacher Who Came From God
The Virgin's Son
The Word of God
The Way, the Truth, and the Life
Yeshua, Joshua, Jesus.
How do you explain Someone like that?
In a book of Christmas stories, I once found this description of Christ:
He was a working man, a ragged carpenter with neither a roof above His head nor a pillow beneath it, sleeping under the stars or in borrowed beds, His robe a blanket, His nightlight the moon.
For thirty-six months He drifted about doing good and telling stories. He never hurt a soul. He healed the sick, taught the masses, fed the hungry, walked across the seas, and preached the good news. Wherever He went, the miraculous broke out—at weddings, at funerals, on the land and on the lake, on the mountainside and in the city streets. He became the help of the helpless and the hope of the hopeless. He turned water into wine, and with bread and fish He fed a multitude; yet He Himself was sometimes hungry, and in His death He cried out in thirst...
He was buried in a donated mausoleum. Yet His tomb, guarded by the Roman soldiers, was opened by heavenly agents—and found empty. And for two thousand years we can say that all the angels of heaven, all the demons of hell, all the stars in the sky, and all the men of the earth have never understood the influence of this gentle child in swaddling clothes who was laid in a manger with no crib for a bed—Jesus Christ our Lord.i
Because Jesus lived in history (there’s no doubt about that) and because His life was recorded (the entire Bible is about Him), we can learn about Him. But because He rose from the grave and is now alive, we can have a personal relationship with Him and come to know Him more deeply and intimately.
In the following pages, I’d like to help you grow closer to Jesus—the Beloved Son, the Everlasting Lord, the Promised Messiah, the Sacrificial Intercessor, the Compassionate Servant, the Powerful Provider, the Trusted Teacher, the Great I AM, the Selfless Savior, the Worthy King…and my Best Friend.
May He be yours too!
“I believe the not-so-discussed truths I discovered in God’s Word about our Lord and Savior will fill you with wonder—and inspire your faith.”
Get to Know Jesus and His Father
God is often thought to be aloof, distant, and unknowable. But when David Jeremiah released The God You May Not Know, he challenged readers to know God intimately—to grapple with His knowledge, holiness, all-pervasive presence, and unlimited power—calling the study of God “the supreme study of a lifetime.” In the follow-up to his acclaimed first volume, Dr. Jeremiah invites us to continue the journey and to behold the mystery of the ages and the marvel of history—to delve into a deeper knowledge of the Beloved Son, the Everlasting Lord, the Promised Messiah, the Great I AM.
Written in Dr. Jeremiah’s signature style, this set is suited to new believers and theologians alike. The volumes can be studied in any order. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to study the attributes of two members of the Trinity with one of America’s most respected Bible teachers.
Get to Know Jesus and His Father
When David Jeremiah released The God You May Not Know, he challenged readers to know God intimately—to grapple with His knowledge, holiness, all-pervasive presence, and unlimited power. In the follow-up to his acclaimed first volume, Dr. Jeremiah invites us to continue the journey and to delve into a deeper knowledge of the Beloved Son, the Everlasting Lord, the Promised Messiah, the Great I AM.
Suited to new believers and theologians alike, the volumes can be studied in any order. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to study two members of the Trinity with one of America’s most respected Bible teachers.
A life-changing message

“It would take months to share how your teaching has made me a more mature follower of God—your daily devotions as well as your books, The God You May Not Know and The Jesus You May Not Know…. I pray God continues to use your ministry to reach not just the unsaved but the ones who are saved for a closer walk with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.”

from an email letter

“…I am starting The God You May Not Know and will then read The Jesus You May Not Know. Your teachings always lead directly to the Bible and deepen my faith, without being “trendy”—just genuine Bible study to know and love the Lord more fully and to know how deeply my family is loved by Him.”

a TBN viewer
David Jeremiah discusses
The Jesus You May Not Know
My Best Friend
Read NowChapter 1
Is He From History or From
Chapter 2
Is He From the Old Testament
or the New Testament?
Chapter 3
Is He the Son of Mary or the
Son of God?
Chapter 4
Is He the Teacher of Truth or
the Truth to Be Taught?
Chapter 5
Is He Seeking Us or Are We
Seeking Him?
Chapter 6
Is He Praying for Us or
Are We Praying to Him?
Chapter 7
Is He Doing Greater
Works or Are We?
Chapter 8
Is He Living or Did He Die?
Chapter 9
Is He Past or Is He Present?
Chapter 10
Is He the King of the Jews
or King of Kings?
I want you to know the Man who has rescued me from death, filled me hope, directed me in the decisions that have shaped my destiny, employed me in His global work, and is currently preparing a new home for me in a place where I’ll never grow old.
About the author
David Jeremiah
Dr. David Jeremiah is one of America’s most trusted Bible teachers.
For more than 40 years, he has helped millions deepen their understanding of the Bible through 4,552 daily Turning Point Radio releases and a daily Turning Point Television program that reaches millions of people globally.
Dr. Jeremiah has authored many books, including The God You May Not Know, Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven, Escape the Coming Night, and The Book of Signs.

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The Jesus You May Not Know
- A hardcover copy of The Jesus You May Not Know, 260 pages.
- The 10-message CD or DVD album
- The correlating study guide
- The He Is bookmark
The God You May Not Know
- A hardcover copy of The God You May Not Know, 272 pages.
- The 10-message CD or DVD album
- The correlating study guide
- The Knowing God bookmark