Rapture practice, 6:30 PM, Wednesday

Can you imagine...

walking into church one Sunday and seeing this announcement posted on the bulletin board?

The amazing reality

Can you imagine...

walking into church one Sunday and seeing this announcement posted on the bulletin board?

oh, I know it might seem silly

...to think about attending a rehearsal for the Rapture—but here’s the amazing reality:

God’s Word outlines ten ways we should be preparing for Christ’s return!

And when you think about it, it only makes sense...rehearsal just means getting ready for something—it’s preparation for a future event. And that is exactly what we should be doing in light of Christ’s return.


Clearly God 2020 Calendar

Dr. Jeremiah’s classic teachings on the book of Daniel, now fully updated for today’s student of biblical prophecy.

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The Handwriting on the Wall
Ken Davis

A Prophet for Our Time

“What Daniel will teach us, if we allow him, is that the kingdoms of this world are passing away and the kingdom of heaven is coming to pass.”
Page 10

The Destiny of Nations

The Destiny of Nations

"God communicated to a pagan king not only the future events of his life, but also in the life of the world. Understanding the prophetic truths in the Bible hinges on the second chapter of Daniel."
Page 45

Israel's Future

Israel's Future

"We are living… in the parentheses of time before Israel gets back on track. I believe we are right at the end of the parenthetic section, and that soon the Rapture is going to happen. Then the Tribulation, which we know as the seventieth week of Daniel, will be ushered in."
Page 192

The Handwriting on the Wall CD Set

Anticipate the Future With Confidence

The book of Daniel offers some of the most vivid and descriptive portions of prophecy in all of God’s Word. And through the instruction of Dr. David Jeremiah, Daniel's visions come alive like never before.

For Christians of every generation, understanding the truth of biblical prophecy offers confidence and hope for the future. But that’s not all—to know the book of Daniel is to open a pathway for dynamic, faithful living today.

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Discover Daniel's Message for Today

In The Handwriting on the Wall, David Jeremiah uses his clear and approachable style to help readers:

  • See Daniel’s incredible accuracy in prophesying about events in human history that have already come true.
  • Find inspiration from Daniel’s incredible journey with God.
  • Place their trust in the reliability of God’s Word rather than the instability of today’s headlines.
  • Be assured that evil is on a leash and God is in control.
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The Handwriting on the Wall Book
FREE A Prayer for Uncertain Times Bookmark 
with your Handwriting on the Wall Book or Set

FREE A Prayer for Uncertain Times Bookmark with your Handwriting on the Wall Book or Set

In the midst of uncertain times and an utterly pagan culture, Daniel had a secret weapon: prayer. He dropped to his knees three times each day, regardless of his circumstances, and asked God to bring his people into conformity with the revealed will of God.

Let’s follow Daniel’s example. A Prayer for Uncertain Times reminds us to trust in God’s sovereignty over human affairs; it invites Him to give us leaders who fear Him, to bring healing and freedom, and to hasten His return. As we seek the Lord’s will for our life, our family, and our world, let’s draw inspiration from this powerful prayer.

Unlock the


to prophecy

The Handwriting on the Wall book


The Handwriting on the Wall

You'll Receive:

• A softcover copy of The Handwriting on the Wall, 258 pages

A Prayer for Uncertain Times Bookmark

Request Your BookWith a Generous Gift
The Handwriting on the Wall Study Guide Set


The Handwriting on the Wall
Study Guide Set

You'll Receive:

• A softcover copy of The Handwriting on the Wall, 258 pages

A Prayer for Uncertain Times Bookmark

• Three study guide volumes to accompany The Handwriting on the Wall

Request Your Study Guide SetWith a Gift of $60 or More
The Handwriting on the Wall cd set


The Handwriting on the Wall
CD Set

You'll Receive:

• A softcover copy of The Handwriting on the Wall, 258 pages

A Prayer for Uncertain Times Bookmark

• Three study guide volumes to accompany The Handwriting on the Wall

• The three-album CD set of 31 audio messages

Request Your CD SetWith a Gift of $150 or More Request Your CD SetWith 3 Payments of $50
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