Price: $65.00

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Product Code: TRPALCD

The Runaway Prophet

CD Album

Price: $65.00

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Product Code: TRPALCD

How is it that most people know the story of Jonah and the whale but have never read the book?

While the miracle of the whale is exciting, the book of Jonah is actually a great story for a different reason. The whale is in chapter one, but until you get to the end of the book, you really don’t see the point. The whale is really no more important than the vine, the worm, or the scorching wind. Be forewarned. God went deeper into Jonah’s head than Jonah did in the depths of a whale. And he might to the same with you!
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Product Specifications

Product Code TRPALCD
Media Type CD
Number of Messages 10
Jeremiah Bible Study Series
Study Guides
The Jeremiah Study Bible
Christmas Gift Guide
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