Partner Series

Exclusively available to Bible Strong Partners through March

Every three months we offer a new set of select television series to our Bible Strong Partners as a way of saying thank you for supporting the ministry of Turning Point.

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Ruth: Romance and Redemption

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0 Messages
0 Messages

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Ten Steps to Spiritual Renewal

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0 Messages
4 Messages

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The Sermon on the Amount

The Sermon on the Amount

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The Sermon on the Amount

4 Messages
0 Messages

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The Life God Blesses

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0 Messages

Bible Strong Living Library

January topic: Temptation

Access the Bible Strong Living Library now to hear Dr. Jeremiah’s insight on a wide variety of biblical topics, and stock up on the helpful topic resources that are included with each volume.

50% Off All Study Guides

$10 $5 (Bible Strong Partner Price)

An effortless benefit – the discount is automatically applied when you order online!

The Sermon on the Amount

Message 1: The Sermon on the Amount

Young married couples know that if they wait until they can afford to have children, they never will. The same is true with tithing. Tithing is intended to be a challenge for the believer so that it can only be accomplished as an act of faith and obedience - two things God always blesses. Covers Malachi 3:10-14.

The Sermon on the Amount


Message 1: The Sermon on the Amount

Young married couples know that if they wait until they can afford to have children, they never will. The same is true with tithing. Tithing is intended to be a challenge for the believer so that it can only be accomplished as an act of faith and obedience - two things God always blesses. Covers Malachi 3:10-14.


The Sermon on the Amount


It All Belongs to You


Hidden Motives For A Huge Commitment


The Faith of Commitment

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