Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven

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What's Up With Heaven?

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Heaven is truly a mystery for those who do not study the Word of God. But for those of us who do, there are many answers to be found. Watch as Dr. David Jeremiah explains, “What’s Up With Heaven?”

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Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven

What Happens When We Die?

Beyond the fragility of this life, there lies a world without sickness, without pain, and without death. Heaven is the most encouraging subject in the Bible and the happiest location in the universe. We want you to know all about it.

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Get More of Heaven

Study the Happiest Place in the Universe

Beyond the trials and troubles of this life, there lies a perfect world where God will wipe away every tear and right every wrong—heaven! This comprehensive set will encourage you as you learn about the glorious future God has planned for those who love Him.

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Is There a Heaven? Quick-Reference Guide - Request Your Free Pocket Guide to Heaven

Is There a Heaven? Quick-Reference Guide

Request Your Free Pocket Guide to Heaven

Shelter in God - Your Refuge in Times of Trouble

New From David Jeremiah

Shelter in God—Your Refuge in Times of Trouble

Jot Us a Note - It's Letter Month!

Jot Us a Note—It's Letter Month!

David Jeremiah Wants to Hear From You

As Featured in the July Magazine - Location is Everything

As Featured in the July Magazine

Location Is Everything

Each month Turning Points Magazine & Devotional publishes an online column called “From This Point Forward.” This month’s article offers guidance for choosing your eternal home.

Many people invest their entire life’s savings into real estate, based on the advice of a trusted agent who supposedly knows the market—and that’s fine. But it’s just a house, a parcel of land. How much more important is the place where you will spend eternity?

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Watch the Brand-New Interview with David Jeremiah

In his new book, Dr. David Jeremiah invites you to walk more closely with Jesus while opening his heart with detailed information about the dearest Person in his life. Now you can learn more about the book and his new teaching series through this conversation with another dear person in his life—his son and Turning Point COO, David Michael Jeremiah.

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Online Vacation Bible School Starts July 8

Airship Genesis Summer Adventure !

Join Airship Genesis for a free five-week VBS program this summer. Each week you will find an exciting audio adventure featuring the Genesis Exploration Squad, a Bible lesson, a memory verse, a challenge, fun activities, and more. Your kids can learn about the importance of the Bible in their lives through five separate lessons:

  • The Bible gives us direction for all of life’s adventures!
  • The Bible was written just for us by God!
  • The Bible is powerful for any situation.
  • The Bible should be shared with others.
  • God rewards us for living by the Bible.

Don’t miss Summer Adventure! The adventure begins on July 8.

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Airship Genesis Summer Adventure
Watch This 90-Second Clip - Does God Forgive All Sins No Matter How Bad?

Watch This 90-Second Clip

Does God Forgive All Sins No Matter How Bad?

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Wherever You Go, Turning Point Is There

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Are You Going to Heaven?

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Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven

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