Discover God's Purpose For Your LIfe
Find God in Your Tomorrow
God wants to expand your dream, give you divine direction, plant a life purpose within you, equip you with tools to overcome fear, grant you great personal accomplishment, and find a mission that will outlive your life. When you order your copy through Turning Point, you’ll also receive a set of our exclusive Move Forward Motivation Cards.
What Is Holding You Back?
Are you ready to discover the dreams, desires, and driving force God has prepared for you? If you feel stuck, you don’t have to be. David Jeremiah’s Forward Set contains tools that will equip you to rise from your rut, conquer your circumstances, face the future, define your dreams, and muster up the motivation to step fearlessly into your tomorrow.
Weighed Down by Worry? 18 Verses for Finding Peace
Corrie ten Boom used to recite a little couplet: “Worry is an old man with bended head, carrying a load of feathers which he thinks are lead.” She understood that anxiety is foolish because it concerns that which isn’t. It lives in an imaginary future. It deals in speculation and possibility. As long as we dwell on the worst-case scenario, we guarantee our own misery because an extensive catalog of calamity is always within reach of the imagination.
Worry weighs us down with its burdens. But what does lightheartedness look like?
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Free Motivation Cards—Move Forward
Insightful Articles, Devotionals, Broadcast Schedules, and More
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PASSAGES Young Adult Ministry
Watch the Interview: How to Move Forward
If the state of our world has you feeling paralyzed with fear or uncertainty, take heart. In this interview, Sheila Walsh and Dr. David Jeremiah discuss the timely message of his Forward teaching series. Listen as David explains “forward” as a direction you go, not a place where you are. Step into your tomorrow, and learn how to start moving forward by embracing God’s plan for your future.
Everyone offers a plan on how you should move forward in life. But before you get started, discover God’s plan! Be encouraged that no matter who you are—your age, your circumstances, or what you desire to do—God wants to partner with you to accomplish great things.
Making Sense of It All
From global issues to personal challenges, few have managed to maintain their mettle in the wake of COVID-19. According to the YouVersion Bible app, FEAR was the most-searched word last year. Even now, an entire year after stay-at-home orders first swept through our world, life feels far from normal. We need time-tested strategies for dealing with our circumstances.
God is not silent on the topic of fear. His Word can equip us to move from fear to “Fear not!” It is a journey each of us must take again and again as new hurdles arise to block our way, and it is the life-giving truth at the heart of Turning Point’s Making Sense of It All outreach campaign this month. Join us as we learn how to experience more hope and less fear.