Today's Devotional: Jun. 6

Summer Sonlight: Light for Every Man

The three synoptic Gospels—Matthew, Mark, and Luke—give a chronological account of Christ’s life, mainly His third year of ministry. John’s Gospel takes a different approach, focusing on themes in His teachings. For example, Jesus’ declaration, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12; 9:5) is set in context at the beginning of John’s Gospel. There, John establishes darkness as the backdrop of Christ’s entrance into the world, declaring Him to be “the true Light which gives light to every man” (John 1:9).


Shelter in God

New From David Jeremiah

Take Shelter in His Presence as You Shelter in Place

Even in times of chaos, God is right beside you—exactly where He has always been and always will be. He is the fortress we can run to whenever we feel frustrated, uncertain, or afraid, and He will always be enough.

In response to the ongoing global crisis, Dr. David Jeremiah has prepared a new resource to provide encouragement about God’s presence in the midst of trials. Discover inspiring, biblical wisdom for living in God’s Word during a crisis.

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New Two-Volume Set

Your Personal Introduction to God and His Son

When David Jeremiah released The God You May Not Know in 2018, he challenged readers to grapple with God’s knowledge, holiness, all-pervasive presence, and unlimited power. Now he invites us to continue the journey and to delve into a deeper knowledge of the Beloved Son, the Everlasting Lord, the Promised Messiah, the Great I AM. This new volume reaches beyond what Jesus did and investigates who He is… His character, His attributes, His spirit.

Your life will overflow when the Jesus you may not know becomes the Lord you’ll always love.

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The Knowing Set
When Your World Falls Apart - Access the Free Digital Study Guide

When Your World Falls Apart

Access the Free Digital Study Guide

Delivering the Unchanging Word of God to NYC - Learn About Project: Shelter in God

Delivering the Unchanging Word of God to NYC

Learn About Project: Shelter in God

“A Shelter in the Storms of Life&rduo; - Watch Dr. Jeremiah’s Message

Watch Dr. Jeremiah’s Message

"A Shelter in the Storms of Life"

As Heard on Radio - When Your World Falls Apart, Where is God?

As Heard on Radio

When Your World Falls Apart, Where Is God?

Less than a heartbeat away, according to Dr. David Jeremiah. God’s Word offers us hope in times of uncertainty and relief when we are experiencing real trouble and fear. Drawing from the beautiful poetry and deep truths of Psalms, this comprehensive resource set will equip you to embrace the truth that God is present when the unexpected strikes and to trust He has the power to make something good out of bad.

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Free Upon Request

The Sheltering God Tract

We know there is no occurrence in our life that is outside the scope and vision of God’s loving hand, but in times like these, could you use a reminder? This resource offers a message of strength by highlighting the unchanging God who is our refuge, our strength, and our hope. Filled with inspiring, biblical wisdom, The Sheltering God tract provides a great reminder of God’s sovereignty and a way to share hope with people who are hurting.

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FREE Upon Request - The Sheltering God Tract
Answers to Questions About Living in the Last Days

Answers from Dr. David Jeremiah

How Can We Maintain Vibrant Faith in the Last Days?

We live in a troubled world that is filled with signs of the End Times. And yet for the follower of Christ, there is hope because the signs of the times point to His return. So how can we be ready, be sharing, and be confident in our faith?

Answers to Questions About Living in the Last Days offers biblical insights into living with confidence and purpose as we wait for the coming of our Lord. It provides answers to more than seventy questions that are weighing on the minds of Christians and non-Christians alike in these perilous times.

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God's Word for a World in Need

Project: Shelter in God—NYC

Turning Point has an opportunity to send thousands of copies of Shelter in God to New York City for distribution in hotels and other locations where healthcare workers, first responders, and coronavirus patients are being housed. We are asking God to use this project as a source of encouragement and outreach during these unprecedented times. You can help us impact countless frontline workers by supporting this outreach with a generous gift today.

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Project: Shelter in God—NYC
There is room for Everyone to Shelter in God

Share the Hope

There Is Room for Everyone to Shelter in God

The coronavirus has shaken our world to its core. Day after day, there is more bad news about the pandemic—more deaths, more jobs lost, more uncertainty. Even for Christians, satisfying answers can be hard to find. We find ourselves asking: Why is this happening? When will everything go back to normal? Where is God when it feels like everything is falling apart?

The Bible contains answers, and it’s a message our world needs to hear. Will you spread the Word?

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The Jesus You May Not Know - Explore free study tools for the new series

The Jesus You May Not Know

Explore free study tools for the new series

What Does the Bible Say About Who Jesus Is? - Study the Scriptures That Reveal Jesus’ Attributes

What Does the Bible Say About Who Jesus Is?

Study the Scriptures That Reveal Jesus’ Attributes

Facing the Coronavirus Together - Watch Timely Messages From Dr. Jeremiah

Facing the Coronavirus Together

Watch Timely Messages From Dr. Jeremiah

Facing the Coronavirus

Free Resources From David Jeremiah for Facing the Pandemic

Isolated and alone, many people are experiencing overwhelming fear and anxiety as they face an invisible enemy. In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Dr. David Jeremiah has prepared several messages of hope that are straight from God’s Word. His goal is to encourage as many people as possible with biblical truth during these unprecedented times, so Turning Point is offering this series for on-demand streaming, free of charge, on our dedicated Facing Coronavirus page. We hope you will be blessed by them and share them with others!

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Facing Uncertain Times - Where Is God in this Pandemic
The God You May Not Know

The Supreme Study of a Lifetime

The God You May Not Know

The study of God, as revealed in Scripture, is the supreme study of a lifetime. It lifts our thoughts, steadies our nerves, purifies our motives, expands our confidence, and strengthens our influence. It’s the greatest subject we could ever study for God is the apex of all reality. Take the journey from knowing about God to knowing Him personally with the help of Dr. David Jeremiah.

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Fall in Love with God's Word

The Jeremiah Study Bible

This comprehensive Bible is packed with biblical insight and study tools along with clear, practical application to bring about authentic transformation in your life. With more than 8,000 study notes, hundreds of sidebars, a topical index, book introductions by David Jeremiah, and much more, The Jeremiah Study Bible will challenge you to live life at a higher level and will help you understand what God is saying to you today.

When you get serious about daily Bible study, you’ll find that the Word of God will become a lamp unto your feet, a light unto your path, and a map for your soul.

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The Jeremiah Study Bible

From Dr. David Jeremiah

Tour the Land of the Bible with Dr. David Jeremiah

After leading several trips to the land of the Bible, Israel has become one of my favorite places on earth. Donna and I are excited to return for another Turning Point Israel tour, March 19-29, 2019.

We’ll visit historical places like:

  • Gethsemane
  • The Sea of Galilee
  • The Mount of Beatitudes
  • And more

I’ll guide you through these sacred sites and others, teaching God’s Word as we retrace our Savior’s steps. Imagine seeing the same landscape Jesus saw, being baptized in the Jordan River, or singing at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem.

These life experiences will change you forever.

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Tour the Land of the Bible with Dr. David Jeremiah
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Station Locator

New to Christianity? - Learn to Follow Jesus

New to Christianity?

Learn to Follow Jesus

Has Turning Point Helped You Face Adversity? - Share Your Story

Has Turning Point Helped You Face Adversity?

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Turning Points Magazine and Devotional

Three Free Issues

Turning Points Magazine and Devotional

With 48 informative pages, each issue of Turning Points includes a monthly study focus, original articles, daily devotionals, broadcast schedules, ministry updates, and more. The magazine is published in-house each month, and all content is based on Dr. Jeremiah’s current television and radio series. It is one of the best ways to connect with the ministry of Turning Point.

Request Your Complimentary Subscription

Free Family Fun!

Explore the World of Airship Genesis

If you have elementary-aged children at home, we have something special for you! All four seasons of the Airship Genesis: Legendary Bible Adventures are available for online streaming. Your kids can enjoy hours of audio adventures, download related activities, explore a map of Rocket Cove, get to know the Genesis Exploration Squad, and read weekly devotionals. Our free mobile game for Apple and Android devices is also available to download!

Adults, look for relevant parenting articles in our grown-ups section. This month’s featured article encourages us to lead our family courageously, even when everything seems to be working against us.

Visit Airship Genesis

Free Family Fun - Explore the World of Airship Genesis


Delivering the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world.

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