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COVID-19 Has Disrupted Daily Life for Millions

Our world needs hope and healing. That is why David Jeremiah prepared Shelter in God.

New From David Jeremiah

Shelter in God as You Shelter in Place

In response to the ongoing global crisis, Dr. David Jeremiah has prepared a new resource to provide encouragement about God’s presence in the midst of trials. Discover inspiring, biblical wisdom for living in God’s Word during a crisis.

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As Heard on Radio

When Your World Falls Apart Set

God’s Word offers us hope in times of uncertainty and relief when we are experiencing real trouble and fear. This comprehensive resource set will equip you to embrace the truth that God is present when the unexpected strikes and to trust He has the power to make something good out of bad.

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God's Word for a World in Need

Project Shelter in God—NYC

Turning Point has an opportunity to send thousands of copies of Shelter in God to New York City for distribution in hotels and other locations where healthcare workers, first responders, and coronavirus patients are being housed. We are asking God to use this project as a source of encouragement and outreach during these unprecedented times. You can help us impact countless frontline workers by supporting this outreach with a generous gift today.

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Project: Shelter in God—NYC
There is room for Everyone to Shelter in God

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There Is Room for Everyone to Shelter in God

The coronavirus has shaken our world to its core. Day after day, there is more bad news about the pandemic—more deaths, more jobs lost, more uncertainty. Even for Christians, satisfying answers can be hard to find. We find ourselves asking: Why is this happening? When will everything go back to normal? Where is God when it feels like everything is falling apart?

The Bible contains answers, and it’s a message our world needs to hear. Will you spread the Word?

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Facing the Coronavirus Together - Watch Timely Messages From Dr. Jeremiah

Facing the Coronavirus Together

Watch Timely Messages From Dr. Jeremiah

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New to Christianity?

Learn to Follow Jesus

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A Bible for Every Generation and Every Situation

Feeling…interrupted? Crises like the coronavirus pandemic have a way of disrupting our life and forcing us to evaluate our priorities. What is truly important in times like these? Our values will be reflected in the way we spend our time. We can binge-watch our favorite TV shows, or we can plunge headlong into the life-changing, life-giving, transformational Word of God.

With Turning Point’s selection of study Bibles for kids and adults, your family can gear up for spiritual growth during these unprecedented times.

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From the Living In The Age of Signs Website

5 Facts About the Second Coming of Christ

One day Christ will return to earth in all His glory as the Judge who will right every wrong in our world. This event is mentioned throughout Scripture, particularly in the New Testament. It will occur after the Tribulation, when Christ defeats the Great Dragon, and before His one–thousand–year reign on earth. Scripture reveals several details about Christ's return, but there is much we will not know until it takes place....

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