Will you partner with us to proclaim Dr. Jeremiah's "Rapture Ready" message?
Jesus did not promise to return when the condition of the world resembled the days of Abraham, Daniel, or Paul. He will come suddenly during a period of history resembling the days of Noah. Jesus said that we must watch and be ready!
Have we done our best to reach the world with the Gospel before it's too late?
This question is the driving motivation that took Turning Point on a groundbreaking journey that turned the world's gaze towards a phenomenon like no other! The Great Disappearance is a visionary project that's not just about storytelling—it's a heartfelt mission to spread a message of salvation and hope across the globe. From viral social media moments filmed with the simplicity of iPhones and GoPros to engaging street conversations that delve deep into humanity's most profound questions, watch as this exclusive behind-the-scenes video reveals the passion, the creativity, and the unyielding faith that propelled this message forward.
Over the years, Dr. Jeremiah has had the opportunity to teach the Bible's truth about prophecy, and the one event that stands in the middle of it all is the event that we call the Rapture. Surprisingly, no topic has stirred as many questions as the Rapture.
And while we may not know the exact date when the Rapture will happen, we do know it will happen.
The Rapture could happen at any moment, and it will happen without warning. At any moment, Christ could return for His Church, which means that we must be ready to leave this earthly life at any moment.
And while we wait with eager expectation for our Lord's return, we must be about His business—sharing the Gospel so we can take as many of our loved ones with us as possible.
Is your family ready? Are your friends, neighbors, and coworkers ready?
Most importantly, are you ready?
To mobilize the outreach of The Great Disappearance message around the world takes a huge financial commitment. The best way in troubled times to reach the lost and the most effective way to motivate Christians to do the work of the Lord is to deliver this hopeful message of prophecy. Please pray and consider giving a special financial gift to this outreach.
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