Home > Learn to Fathom Jesus like never before
Resources from David Jeremiah to aid in your journey from knowing about Jesus to knowing Jesus.
On a visit to Washington, D.C., in 1977, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat met a group of journalists in Blair House, on Pennsylvania Avenue across from the White House. A rookie reporter in the back of the room, Wolf Blitzer, raised his hand and said, “Mr. President, you seem so sincere in your quest for peace....
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Time is running out. The rapid escalation of catastrophic events around the world suggests that we are living in the Last Days, and the Apocalypse is drawing near. Christians have a responsibility to treat each day as a new opportunity to serve the Lord and lead others to Him....
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Home > Learn to Fathom Jesus like never before > Is He Seeking Us or Are We Seeking Him? (Part 1)