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Drawing on more than 40 years of study, The Jeremiah Study Bible represents the best new Study Bible of this generation....
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Nothing can touch this world so deeply as a walking Bible—you!
In Living the 66 Books of the Bible, Dr. David Jeremiah reviews the 39 books ...
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God wants you to know all about your eternal home so you can anticipate the future....
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The Bible is the mind of Christ between two covers, but those covers enclose 66 books that may seem confusing....
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"The End Times." "The Apocalypse." "The Day of Judgment." Terms such as these are both fascinating and frightening for any student of God’s Word....
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Learn the portable rules for living from Proverbs, and heaven-bound focus from Psalms.
Christians uniquely live in two dimensions....
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The Bible is the mind of Christ between two covers; but those covers enclose 66 books that may seem confusing....
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The Jeremiah Study Bible
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