Digital Messages on Christian Living

209-224 of 303 results in Digital Messages on Christian Living

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Some people try to insulate themselves from the problems and pressures of life as a way to avoid stress....
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It’s a sword and a hammer. A lamp and a mirror. Water and fire. It reveals the very heart of God, and hopefully it’s in your heart as well....
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If you’ve ever taken a step of faith, only to wonder if you had done the right thing, you’re in good company. Abraham had that same concern....
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In this message on giving thanks, Dr. Jeremiah points out the many things that we have to be grateful for—our family, our faith—but most of all...
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Required courses for medical students involve studying human anatomy since the health of the whole is dependent on the health of the parts....
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No group of people, religious or otherwise, suffers more persecution and more put-downs than Bible-centered Christians....
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There is a 200 year-old song that in the last 40 years has become a sort of national anthem for the world: “Amazing Grace....
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Human beings are capable of living comfortably with double standards....
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We know that the grace of God is what makes our salvation possible....
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Some people don’t believe they’ve sinned, and others think they’ve sinned too much to ever be saved....
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We forget that our lives depend on oxygen until we are deprived of it. And so it is with grace. It is behind us, around us, and in front of us....
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We often hear people say, “Don’t worry- everything will turn out for the best in the end!” That’s optimistic, hopeful, and encouraging but no...
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The kingdom of God is filled with numerous paradoxes: To live we must die, to receive we must give, and to be strong we must be weak....
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We hear a lot today about “seeker-sensitive” churches and “seeker-driven” services. But the Bible says that no one seeks after God....
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Keep a record for one week of every display of ingratitude you encounter - yours or anyone else’s....
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Many people today herald Jesus as a person who would associate with the lowly and needy in any society - and He was....
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209-224 of 303 results in Digital Messages on Christian Living

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